
University Senate - April 27, 2020 Meeting

  1. Call to Order
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate Executive Committee, Dana Cox
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. April 20, 2020, meeting of 2019-2020 University Senate – full minutes
  1. Consent Calendar
    1. Curriculum
    2. Graduate Council Minutes
  1. New Business

    1. SR 20-20 - Sales Management Major, Bachelor of Science in Commerce – Ted Light – Chair, Commerce

    2. SR 20-21 – Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technology, Master in Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technology

    3. SR 20-19 – Proclamation – Rodney Coates and Gaile Pohlhaus s

  2. Old Business
    1. SR 20-14 – Senate ByLaws Executive Committee

    2. Arrest Reporting Policy Update – James Bielo – Committee Chair 

  1. Report by the Chair of the Executive Committee of University Senate, Dana Cox
  2. Adjournment

The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for May 4, 2020, 3:30 p.m., via WebEx