
University Senate - August 26, 2019 Meeting

  1. Call to Order
    •  Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate Executive Committee, Dana Cox
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    • May 6, 2019, meeting of 2018-2019 University Senate – full minutes
  1. Consent Calendar
    1. Benefits Committee Minutes - April 5, 2019 
    2. Benefits Committee Minutes – April 26, 2019 
    3. Benefits Committee Minutes – May 10, 2019 
    4. Health Plans Report – May, 2019 
    5. Student Life Council Annual Report – 2018-2019 
    6. Curriculum Annual Report – Office of the University Registrar 
    7. Academic Program Review Committee Annual Report – 2018-2019 
    8. Benefits Committee Annual Report – 2018-2019 
    9. Committee on Faculty Research Annual Report – 2018-2019 
    10. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee Annual Report – 2018-2019 
    11. Governance Committee Annual Report – 2018-2019
    12. Graduate Council Minutes – April 9, 2019
  1. Special Report
    1. Strategic Planning Committee Presentation – Bob Applebaum and Julia Guichard, Co-Chairs
  1. New Business

    1. Introduction to Senate – Dana Cox, Chair, Senate Executive Committee

    2. Senate Attendance Policy Discussion

  2. Reports

    1. Report by the Chair of the Executive Committee of University Senate, Dana Cox
  1. Adjournment

The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for September 9, 2019, 3:30 p.m., Room 111 Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus.