
University Senate - July 20, 2020 Meeting

  1. Call to Order
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate Executive Committee, Dana Cox
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. June 22, 2020, meeting of 2019-2020 University Senate – full minutes
  1. Consent Calendar

    1. Academic Program Review Committee Annual Report

    2. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Sept. 3, 2019

    3. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Sept. 24, 2019

    4. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Oct. 8, 2019

    5. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Oct. 29, 2019

    6. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Nov. 12, 2019

    7. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Feb. 4, 2020

    8. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Feb. 22, 2020

    9. Liberal Education Council Minutes – Mar. 31, 2020

    10. Liberal Education Council -GMP Course Review – 2019-2020

    11. Liberal Education Council Annual Report

  1. Reports

    1. Campus Update – Jason Osborne, Provost

    2. Classroom and Space Update – Jeffrey Wanko, Associate Provost

    3. Safe Return to Campus Committee Update – Dana Cox, Chair, Senate Executive Committee

  2. Old Business

    1. SR 20-25 - Sense of the Senate – Flexible and Prepared – Fall 2020

    2. Title IX Policy Updates – Kenya Ash 

  1. New Business

    1. SR 20-26 – Ad Hoc Committee Formation – University Policy Adjustment

  2. Adjournment

The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for August 3, 2020, 3:30 p.m., via WebEx