
University Senate - April 15, 2024 Agenda

Monday, April 15, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
Room 111, Harrison Hall


  1. Call to Order and Announcements and Remarks – 
    1. Tracy Haynes, Chair of University Senate Executive Committee
  2. Approval of University Senate Minutes 
    1. University Senate Full Meeting Minutes_04.01.2024 
  3. Consent Calendar
    1. Curricular Items _04.10.2024 (Attachment B/pg.14)
    2. Graduate Council Minutes_04.02.2024 (Attachment C/pg. 22)
    3. LEC Meeting Minutes_03.12.2024 (Attachment D/pg. 24)
  4. Old Business
    1. SR 24-xx Recording Two Minute Speeches Before Senate, Nathan French, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Religion, and Rosemary Pennington, Associate Professor and Journalism Area Coordinator - Media, Journalism, and Film, (Attachment E/pg.27) Discussion and Anticipated Vote on April 15, 2024
    2. SR 24-xx MTH – Applied Mathematics – Bachelor of Science, Ebrahim Sarabi, Associate Professor of Mathematics, and Alim Sukhtayev, Associate Professor of Mathematics. The curriculum document can be accessed at  - click on 'title' and type 'Applied Mathematics*' in the Search section. Click on 'MTH – Applied Mathematics – Bachelor of Science’. (Attachment F/pg. 28) Discussion and Anticipated Vote on April 15, 2024
  5. New Business
    1. WST - Individualized Studies, Bachelor of Philosophy, Nicholas Money,  Director of Western Program and Professor of Biology,The curriculum document can be accessed at  - click on 'title' and type 'Individualized Studies, Bachelor of Philosophy*' in the Search section. Click on 'WST - Individualized Studies, Bachelor of Philosophy’. Presentation only; Discussion and Anticipated Vote on April 29, 2024
    2. Registration Policy Proposal, Michael Crowder, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School  (Attachment G/pg. 29)
    3. Doctoral Time Limits Policy Proposal, Michael Crowder, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School  (Attachment H/pg. 54)
  6. Special Reports
    1. Fiscal Priorities, Melissa Chase, Chair and Professor of Sport 兔子先生hip and Management, Michele Frank, Associate Professor of Accountancy, and Jen Green, Clinical Professor of Psychology 
    2. Process Coordinator Update: Department of Comparative Religion Elimination, Terri Barr, Professor of Marketing
  7. Provost Update
  8. Adjournment