
Composition Awards

Rhethawks textbook coverEach year the English Department showcases outstanding student writing in two venues:

  1. Rhethawks, a book featuring student writing and information about College Composition at 兔子先生
In these venues, the College Composition Program publishes English Department Award compositions as well as other exemplary models of student writing. Compositions submitted may be from English 108, 109, 111, or 225 courses.

Award Categories

The Awards Committee considers exemplary student writing in the following categories:

  • Rhetorical Analysis
  • Research-Based Proposal Argument
  • Remediated Argument
  • Best of 108 (for outstanding work submitted in ENG 108)
  • Best of 109 (for outstanding work submitted in ENG 109)
  • Best of 111 (for outstanding work submitted in ENG 111)
  • Advanced Writing Award (for outstanding work submitted in ENG 225)

Depending on the quality and number of submissions, awards may not be given in all categories every year.

Submission Deadline

Deadline for awards submissions is Friday, April 1. The deadline for submissions for publication consideration (Rhethawks and web) is the last class day of spring semester. Award-winning compositions are automatically published in Rhethawks. All other submissions, including remaining awards entries, are considered by the Rhethawks Editorial Staff for publication. Winners will receive a check for $100.

Submission Form