
Committee Memberships 2023-2024

Advisors Committee

Term - 4 years
Peters, Ted – Chair (CAS)
Bechtel, Gabriele (ENG) (2)
England, Marcia (GEO) (1)
Erb, Meredith (CHM) (4)
Hahn, Chip (SPA) (2)
Keeler, Dennis (MTH) (1)
Sampson, Joe (MJF) (2)

Awards and Honors Committee

Term - 1 year
Baernstein, P. Renée - Ex Officio
Schneider, Monica (POL)

Committee for Review of Chairs and Program Directors

Term – 2 years
Brehm, Susan - Ex Officio
Former Chair-at-Large – Johnson, Joseph (PSY) (1)
Hamlin, Kim (HST) (1)
Edwards, Erin (ENG) (2)
Luebbe, Aaron (PSY) (1)
Wainscott, Ann (POL) (2)
Crist, Thomas (BIO) (2)
Fisher, Thomas (STA) (1)

Committee on Committees

Term - 2 years
Baernstein, P. Renée - Ex Officio
Polhaus, Gail (PHL) (2)
Nesbit, TaraShea (ENG) (1)
Yezierski, Ellen (CHM) (1)
Haifei Shi (BIO) (2)
Arbuckle, Matthew (POL) (2)
Hunger, Jeffrey (PSY) (1)

Committee on Promotion of Teaching/Clinical Professors and Lecturers

Term – 2 years
Associate Dean– Ex Officio
Godeanu-Kenworthy, Oana (GIC) (2)
Murphy, Patrick (MJF)(2)
Prytherch, David (GEO) (1)
Erb, Meredith (CHM) (1)
Spangler, Brooke (PSY) (1)
de Biasio, Louis (MTH) (1)

Curriculum Committee

Term - 3 years
Blue, Jennifer - Ex Officio
Card, Jeb (ATH) (1) - Chair
O’Neil, Joe – (GRAMELAC) (2)
Keiser, Jane (MTH) (2)
Hahn, Chip (SPA) (1)
Moore, Richard (BIO) (1)
Peters, Ted (CAS) - Ex Officio
Alonso, Facundo (PHL) (3)
Fioretti, Daniele (FRI) W representative
Stevens, Hank (BIO) QL representative

Ecology Research Center Policy

Blue, Jennifer - Ex Officio
TBD – Director & Chair (BIO-H)
Dumyahn, Sarah (IES)
Knoll, Lesley (BIO)
Russell, David (BIO)
Schaeffer, Paul (BIO)
Sullivan, Amy (BIO)

Governance Committee

Term - 2 years
Brehm, Susan - Ex Officio
Radke, Anna (PSY) (2)
Tatjana Miljkovic (STA) (1)
Vivoda, Jonathan (SOC/GTY) (1)
Sipola, Maija (GLG) (2)
Reiff, Ayako (GRAMELAC) (2)
Bromley, James (ENG) (1)

Pre-Health Advisory Committee

Term - 4 years
Carlin, Joe (MBI) - Chair
Abshire, Kelly (MBI) (3)
Ballard, Kevin (KNH) (3)
Blitz, Dawn (BIO) (3)
Bulanda, Jennifer (SOC/GTY) (2)
Davie, Emily (KNH) (3)
Erb, Meredith (CHM) (3)
Fabby, Carol (PHY) (1)
Ghimire, Saruna (2)
Hay-Rollins, Cameron (ATH) (4)
Hoffman, Susan (BIO) (4)
James, Paul (BIO) (1)
Killian, Kathleen (BIO) (3)
Kirkmeyer, Brian (CEC) (4)
Klestinec, Cindy (ENG) (4)
Massie, Pascal (PHL) (4)
McKee, Heidi (ENG) (4)
Radke, Anna (PSY) (3)
Robinson, Mike (BIO) (2)
Russell, Jill (BIO) (1)
Smith, Dean (KNH) (3)
Strautman, Alan (MBI) (3)
Tai, Heeyoung (CHM) (2)
Vishwanath, Karthik (PHY) (3)
Zhou, Shijie (CPB) (3)
Schumacher, Jennifer (BSC) (3)

Tenure and Promotion Committee

Term - 2 years
Baernstein, P. Renée - Ex Officio
Kiel Elizabeth (PSY) (2)
Dabney-Smith, Carole (CHM) (2)
Lippmann, Stephen (SOC/GTY) (1)
Sutcliffe, Benjamin (GRAMELAC) (1)
Tassoni, John (ENG) (2)
Fisher, Thomas (STA) (2)

Program Committees

Middle East, Jewish, and Islamic Studies

Gordon, Matthew - Chair (HST)
Berdieva, Dilchoda (GIC)
Dannies, Kate (GIC)
French, Nathan (REL)
Gray, Hillel (REL)
Jeep, John (GRAMELAC)
Peterson, Mark (ATH)
Prior, Daniel (HST)
Schaefer, John (ATH-M)
Shaiman, Amy (HR)
Wainscott, Ann (POL)