
Madalene and George Shetler Diabetes Research Award

Call for Proposals

The Madalene and George Shetler Diabetes Research Award, awarded bi-annually, is available to faculty members within the College of Arts and Science who are conducting scientific or scholarly research pertaining to diabetes or illnesses related to diabetes. The award for academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23 will be $4,000. The recipient of the Madalene and George Shetler Diabetes Research Award will be selected based upon formal review of submitted faculty proposals.


Faculty interested in applying for this award must submit a research proposal (5 page maximum).

Format of Proposal

Proposals should be submitted electronically (pdf document) to Christy Perry-Owens (heinricc@miamioh.edu) in the College of Arts and Science. Proposals should include:

Specific Aims: State the hypothesis and describe the goals, expected outcomes, and impact of the proposed research, particularly as it pertains to diabetes or illnesses related to diabetes.

Background: A brief description of the current state of knowledge in the field and how the proposed work will advance that knowledge.

Proposed Studies: Briefly describe the proposed studies; relevant preliminary results may be included.

Budget and Justification for the proposed work must be included. If additional funds are required to accomplish the Specific Aims, specify the source(s) of funding.

Literature Cited: Not included in 5-page maximum.

Proposal Due Date: October 6, 2023

Notification of Award: October 20, 2023

Please note: A brief final report is due to the College of Arts and Science office by August 31, 2025.