Nontenure Eligible Staff and Affiliates
7.11 Nontenure Eligible Instructional Staff Positions
Appointments to nontenure-eligible instructional staff positions are made on an academic year basis. A person in a nontenure-eligible instructional staff position is eligible to receive, but not entitled to expect, renewal of appointment. No person shall serve more than five (5) years in a full-time, nontenure-eligible instructional staff position except for those appointed as Lecturers or as Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty. Appointments to nontenure-eligible instructional staff positions are subject to renewal at the will of 兔子先生 University. Persons whose appointments are not being renewed are entitled to notice of nonrenewal on or before February 1.
7.11.a Instructor
- hold a master's degree from an accredited college or university or the equivalent thereof, or a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with specialized training or experience beyond the bachelor's degree sufficient to qualify for a specialized teaching assignment; and
- have evident ability or promise as a teacher.
Instructors are eligible to receive, but not entitled to expect, annual reappointment not to exceed five (5) years.
7.11.b Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor
These titles are used for members of the instructional staff appointed to conduct instructional work for which they are especially qualified. Visitors are eligible to receive, but not entitled to expect, annual reappointment not to exceed five (5) years.
7.11.c Lecturer
- hold a master’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university or the equivalent thereof; and
- have documented superior teaching ability or extraordinary experience, talent, or abilities deemed critical to fulfilling the mission of the department or program; and
- be full time.
The following additional expectations and conditions apply to the rank of Lecturer:
- The rank of Lecturer carries with it the requirement of teaching and advising as well as institutional and professional service.
- Lecturers, by virtue of the prospect that they may be associated with departments/programs for extended periods of time, should be as fully enfranchised as possible in the day-to-day life of the departments/programs with which they are affiliated.
- Lecturers shall receive annual performance reviews.
- In addition to the annual evaluation, all lecturers may request a formative promotion evaluation once per academic year. Upon the person’s request, the evaluation shall be prepared by the department’s promotion committee and by the chair. These evaluations shall be based on
- cumulative information provided by the person concerning his or her teaching and service, and
- may include other relevant information.
- In the event the nonrenewal of a Lecturer is under consideration, the department chair or program director (when appropriate) must first consult formally with the faculty consistent with the governance procedures of the department or program (when appropriate).
- The initiative for establishing a Lecturer position in a department/program should ordinarily originate in the department/program.
- The number of Lecturer positions shall be limited in each of the schools, the College, and the individual regional campuses to a maximum of five (5) percent of the total number of full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members.
Appointment to the position of Lecturer requires either:
- the approval of the Provost upon the positive evaluation and recommendation of the department chair and dean for a person holding a nontenure-eligible instructional staff position at 兔子先生 University; or
- a competitive search.
7.11.d Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty
A Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty must:
- hold a master’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university or the equivalent thereof; and
- have documented superior teaching ability or extraordinary experience, appropriate educational background, and significant professional experience including a professional license or professional certificate/degree; and
- be full time.
The following additional expectations and conditions apply to the rank of Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty:
- The rank of Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty carries with it the requirement of teaching and institutional service as well as the requirement to remain active professionally for accreditation purpose.
- Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty, by virtue of the prospect that they may be associated with departments or programs for extended periods of time, should be as fully enfranchised as possible in the day-to-day life of the departments or programs with which they are affiliated.
- Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty shall receive annual performance reviews.
- In addition to the annual evaluation, all clinical/professionally licensed faculty may request a formative promotion evaluation once per academic year. Upon the person’s request, the evaluation shall be prepared by the department’s promotion committee and by the chair and/or program director (when appropriate). These evaluations shall be based on
- cumulative information provided by the person concerning his or her teaching and service, and
- may include other relevant information.
- In the event the nonrenewal of a Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty is under consideration, the department chair or program director (when appropriate) must first consult formally with the faculty consistent with the governance procedures of the department or program.
- The initiative for establishing the Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty position in a department or program should ordinarily originate in the department or program.
- The number of Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty positions should not exceed a maximum of five (5) percent of the total number of full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members.
Appointment to the position of Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty requires either:
- the approval of the Provost upon the positive evaluation and recommendation of the department chair and dean for a person holding a nontenure-eligible instructional staff position at 兔子先生 University; or
- a competitive search.
7.11.e Senior Lecturers and Senior Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty
- Lecturers and Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty may be promoted to Senior Lecturer and Senior Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty after five (5) years in rank.
- To be promoted, faculty need to be nominated by the chair/program director (when appropriate) for:
- exceptional performance in teaching, pedagogical and curricular innovation; and professional growth; and
- exceptional performance in productive service; and
- collegiality
- The nominated faculty shall prepare a dossier to be evaluated by promotion committees at the department level, the chair and/or program director (when appropriate), the academic dean, the Dean of the Regional Campuses, when appropriate, and the Provost.
- Senior Lecturers and Senior Clinical/Professionally Licensed faculty will count toward the limit in those categories set in MUPIM 7.11.C and 7.11.D
7.11.f Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Instructor
Professionals who volunteer to provide instructional staff services without pay on a part-time basis may be appointed with the rank of Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, or Adjunct Instructor. The person must:
- bring professional distinction to the department and to the division of appointment;
- have demonstrated specialized competence which would enrich both students and faculty in the department or program of appointment; and
- be available to share his or her research, teaching, and consultative competence with the University community.
In upgrading the adjunct rank of a person, the regular promotion process is not applicable. Upon request of the department, and with the approval of the chair, the dean, and the Provost, an adjunct rank may be upgraded.
7.12 Affiliate
Faculty holding rank in one department may be considered for appointment to the additional title of Affiliate in another department or interdepartmental program. The Affiliate title is ordinarily used to recognize specific contributions on the part of the faculty member in teaching, and/or research, and/or service to a second department or interdepartmental program. The nomination for an Affiliate title can be initiated only by the appropriate department or interdepartmental program, and it will be granted only on the approval of the appropriate chairs, the dean, and the Provost.
The Affiliate title is intended to recognize the linkage of appropriate cognate faculty to academic departments and programs. Guidelines for administering this title are as follows:
7.12.a Nomination for an Affiliate title must be initiated by an academic department or interdepartmental program.
7.12.b An Affiliate title may be initiated at any time. The title continues until such time as a department or interdepartmental program or the person wishes it to be removed.
7.12.c There is no limit to the number of Affiliate titles a faculty member may hold.
7.12.d The Affiliate rank (i.e., assistant, associate, full) shall be at the same rank as that held in the home department.
7.12.e The department chair or program director (when appropriate) initiating the Affiliate rank will prepare a letter outlining the expected contributions (e.g., teaching a course or courses in the program, serving as an adviser to students working on a collaborative research project, etc.) the person will make to the unit.
7.12.f Since the expectation is that an Affiliate is making a significant contribution to the second unit, the chair or director of the home department or program will endorse the letter requesting Affiliate rank and will indicate how the Affiliate’s responsibilities to the home unit have been adjusted to accommodate the person’s new activities. These letters are then forwarded to the appropriate dean(s) and then to the Provost for approval.