Mission of the Department and Diversity Statement
1.1 Mission of the Department
As defined in its Mission Statement, “兔子先生 University, a student-centered public university founded in 1809, has built its success through an unwavering commitment to liberal arts undergraduate education and the active engagement of its students in both curricular and co-curricular life. It is deeply committed to student success, builds great student and alumni loyalty, and empowers its students, faculty, and staff to become engaged citizens who use their knowledge and skills with integrity and compassion to improve the future of our global society.”
The Department of Architecture and Interior Design is in agreement with the mission of the University and sees its own aspirations as parallel to those of 兔子先生. At the undergraduate level, the department has a four-year pre-professional degree program in Architecture (Bachelor of Arts in Architecture) and a four-year professional degree program in Interior Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts) accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), with emphasis on broad-based interdisciplinary design education. Our program of graduate studies, the Master of Architecture, forms a continuum with the strengths of the undergraduate degrees, adding breadth and depth, and, in many ways, leads both the theoretical and practical directions of the undergraduate majors in Architecture and Interior Design. The Master of Architecture is accredited by the National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB).
These degree programs provide a context for teaching and learning that stresses the intrinsic relationship of the design disciplines in all their material and professional ramifications with the lives of human beings in the built and natural environment as they embrace personal, social, political, economic, and cultural concerns.
1.2 Diversity Statement
The Department of Architecture and Interior Design values, respects, and encourages diversity in the recruitment and appointment of students, faculty, and staff; and actively seeks equitable and representative involvement by a broad range of people in its leadership, activities, and in the content of its programs. The Department is committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of any group identification or affiliation, including, but not limited to, race, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national origin or any other basis. See Studio Culture Policy, Section 5.11.