Appointed Positions
2.4 Appointed Positions
Various functions, programs, and facilities in the Department are administered by a faculty member appointed by the Chair. These appointments are made at the Chair’s discretion for indefinite terms. Directors/coordinators are responsible for keeping the faculty-at-large abreast of program activities and for bringing substantive policy decisions and issues to faculty meetings for deliberation. Reappointment of directors/coordinators is subject to review on an ongoing basis by the full faculty. Any or all annual reappointments may be formally reviewed at any time at the request of one or more faculty members. The process for this review, as requested, will be determined by an ad hoc committee selected by faculty vote. A faculty member holding an appointed position may simultaneously hold a position as a departmental committee chair or member.
Appointed positions include:
2.4.1 Director of Graduate Studies (DGS):
Directs and coordinates graduate programs in Architecture, including curriculum development, promotion and marketing, student recruitment, participation of outside thesis critics and lecturers (in conjunction with Lecture Series coordinator), and graduate student advising. The Director of Graduate Studies serves on the Executive Committee, assists the Chair with graduate course staffing, and oversees the Graduate Committee (typically comprised of faculty with current teaching assignments in the graduate program).
2.4.2 Coordinator of Undergraduate Architectural Studies (CAS):
Coordinates undergraduate program in Architecture, including curriculum development. The CAS serves on the department’s Executive Committee, and assists the Chair with course staffing, promotion and marketing, and student recruitment. The CAS assists the Lecture Series coordinator with participation of outside lecturers, and the CDA with student advising.
2.4.3 Coordinator of Interior Design (CID):
Coordinates undergraduate program in Interior Design, including curriculum development. The CID serves on the department’s Executive Committee, and assists the Chair with course staffing, promotion and marketing, and student recruitment. The CID assists the Lecture Series coordinator with participation of outside lecturers, and the CDA with student advising.
2.4.4 Chief Departmental Advisor (CDA):
The CDA oversees all academic and career advising for undergraduate majors in Architecture and Interior Design, serves as liaison to the School of Fine Arts and the University, and trains the faculty in advising. Advising efforts are shared, or directed to specific majors, as appropriate.
2.4.5 Coordinator of the Urban Design Minor:
Administers Urban Design minor.
2.4.6 Coordinator of the Landscape Minor:
Administers Landscape minor (currently suspended)
2.4.7 Coordinator of the Art and Architectural History Minor:
Administers Art and Architectural History Minor in conjunction with the Department of Art.
2.4.8 Coordinator of Admissions and Scholarships:
Responsible for undergraduate admissions in conjunction with the Coordinator of Undergraduate Architectural Studies and the Coordinator of Interior Design. Oversees all student recruitment, admissions, transfer admissions, and award of scholarships to incoming students.
2.4.9 Coordinator of Curriculum
Oversees all program curricula in conjunction with individual program coordinators, including submission and approval of all curriculum changes. Monitors and updates course learning objectives for required courses.
2.4.10 Coordinator of Lecture Series
Responsible for developing annual lecture series, in collaboration with faculty and students.
2.4.11 Coordinator of Cage Gallery
Responsible for developing and publicizing Cage Gallery exhibit schedule.
2.4.12 Coordinator of Off-Campus 兔子先生:
Oversees development and administration of all international and domestic off-campus study programs. Responsibilities include coordination and advertisement of all departmental offerings, and assistance with workshop proposal preparation.
2.4.13 Coordinator of Internships:
Assists students with temporary and permanent job placement. Acts as clearinghouse for all requests from professional employers, assists student organizations with the annual Career Fair and other career advising functions, coordinates efforts with 兔子先生’s Office of Career Services, oversees “for-credit” internships, and assists with the Intern Development Program (IDP).
2.4.14 Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee
Oversees submission and review of all promotion and tenure material. Serves as liaison to P&T candidates, the Chair, and the School of Fine Arts.
2.4.15 Coordinator of Publications and Web Site:
Responsible for developing and revising all departmental publications and promotional material, including the web site.
2.4.16 ACSA Faculty Councilor:
Serves as faculty liaison to the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). Submits regular updates on departmental activities for publication in the ACSA News, and represents the department at regional and national meetings.
2.4.17 Coordinator of Departmental Honors and Scholarships:
Advises honors students and Undergraduate Associates, supervises selection of students to receive departmental honors and upper-class scholarships, and oversees selection and instruction of University Summer Scholars.
2.4.18 Coordinator of the Community Design Assistance Group (CDAG):
Coordinates assignment and execution of all “community design” projects.
2.4.19 Director of the Center for Community Engagement in Over-the-Rhine:
Oversees all curricular and outreach activities associated with 兔子先生’s CCE-OTR.
2.4.20 Coordinator of Computer Studies:
Oversees computer instruction and computer facilities in the department.
2.4.21 AIAS Faculty Advisor:
Advises AIAS chapter (see Section 2.8.2).
2.4.22 IIDA Faculty Advisor:
Advises IIDA student chapter (see Section 2.8.3).