2.5 Committees
Various functions, programs, and facilities in the department are administered by committee where diverse input is deemed important and where a committee of the entire faculty is cumbersome. Committees are appointed by the Chair in conjunction with the Executive Committee and/or the Student Advisory Council, and (except where specified below) the constitution of committees (number of members and representation) is determined on an as-needed basis. Committees are typically directed by a Chair or by Co-Chairs. Committees serve for one academic year, but Chair(s) and members may be re-appointed. A faculty member may hold an appointed position in addition to membership in a committee or committees. Committees meet on an as-needed basis. Those committees open to all interested faculty and students shall publish meeting times in advance. Committees are responsible for keeping the faculty-at-large informed of their activities and will bring substantive policy decisions and issues to faculty meetings for deliberation.
Standing committees include:
2.5.1 Executive Committee:
This committee advises and briefs the Chair, and helps to develop agendas for faculty meetings. Membership consists of the Chair, the Director of Graduate Studies, the Coordinator of Undergraduate Architectural Studies, the Coordinator of Interior Design, and one at-large representative of the faculty. Meetings are called as needed by the Chair.
2.5.2 Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Committee:
This committee evaluates all faculty being considered for tenure and/or promotion. In consideration of promotion, membership consists of all tenured faculty at a rank equal to or above that being sought by the candidate for promotion. In consideration of tenure, membership consists of all tenured faculty. One senior faculty (typically at the rank of Full Professor) serves as Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair (see 2.4.14 and Section 7. Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Instructional Staff.) The Department Chair sits on the Promotion and Tenure Committee in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.
2.5.3 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarship Committee:
This committee reviews all admission applications to the undergraduate programs (including transfer applications), coordinates recruiting efforts, and awards scholarships to incoming students. The Coordinator of Admissions and Scholarships serves as committee chair, with participation by the CAS, the CID, and additional faculty as required.
2.5.4 Graduate Committee:
This committee reviews all admission applications to the graduate programs, coordinates recruiting efforts, awards scholarships and assistantships, periodically reviews advising policy and curriculum, and reviews all student petitions related to graduate course waivers, substitution, or other variations to the requirements for the Master of Architecture degree. Membership consists of the Director of Graduate Studies, who serves as chair, and additional faculty involved with the graduate program(s).
Ad hoc committees are to be formed as needed, to address specific tasks. These might include:
2.5.5 Undergraduate Advising Committee:
This committee addresses advising policy and procedures and specific advising concerns. Membership consists of the Chief Departmental Advisor, and additional faculty and students as required.
2.5.6 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee:
This committee addresses curricular issues and works proactively to evaluate courses and curricula and propose revisions as appropriate. In cooperation with the Chair and the program coordinators, this committee also ensures that studio coordinators are assigned at all year levels and that specific faculty are assigned responsibility, as necessary, for content categories (history/theory, communication process, environmental systems + practice). The committee is chaired by the Coordinator of Curriculum, with participation by the program coordinators and additional interested faculty and students.
2.5.7 Faculty/Staff Search Committees:
Search committees are responsible for the approval, advertisement, and administration of searches, including application review, hosting, and final selection of candidates.
2.5.8 Facilities Committee:
This committee addresses issues related to program facilities, in consultation with building maintenance staff, the University Architect’s office, the Associate Provost for space planning, and other individuals or groups responsible for facilities.
2.5.9 Lecture Series Committee:
This committee is responsible for developing, advertising, and coordinating a departmental lecture series, participation of visiting critics, and management of associated budgets, in consultation and cooperation with individual faculty and with the Chair and program coordinators. The committee is chaired by the Coordinator of Lecture Series.
2.5.10 Cage Gallery Exhibits Committee:
This committee is responsible for developing, advertising, and coordinating all Cage Gallery exhibits (or other departmental exhibits as may be required), and management of associated budgets, in consultation and cooperation with individual faculty and with the Chair and program coordinators. The committee is chaired by the Coordinator of Cage Gallery.