The Faculty, Staff, and Chair
2.1 The Faculty
2.1.1 Regular Instructional Faculty:
The faculty of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design consists of all members of the instructional/administrative staff holding the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Instructor, Instructor, Assistant Instructor or Lecturer, whether tenured or untenured, visiting, full-time or part-time. The faculty represents the legislative body of the Department. For voting eligibility see Section 2.9.2.
2.1.2 Other Faculty:
Other faculty include Emeriti and Adjunct faculty, and International Scholars. For voting eligibility see Section 2.9.2.
2.2 The Staff
Unclassified Staff provide specialized professional services in support of the educational mission of the Department, including woodshop management, computer support, research facility management, etc.
Classified Staff are part of the Supervisory, Administrative, and Technical Support Staff (SATSS), and provide office management, accounting, and clerical support for the Department.
2.3 The Chair
The Chair shall preside at Departmental meetings, expedite the business of the Department, provide leadership in Departmental planning, and represent the Department in dealings with the administration and other departments. It is understood that the Chair acts as coordinator, representative, and advocate for the Department. In addition the Chair serves as channel of communication between the Department and other offices. The Chair works with the support of the department’s Appointed Positions and Committees described below to fulfill ongoing duties including budget, course scheduling and staffing, curriculum oversight, promotion and marketing, student recruitment, and faculty development advising. The Chair also oversees periodic departmental activities including strategic planning, professional accreditation and university program reviews, facilities use planning, and hiring processes.
Selection, review, and reappointment of the Chair shall follow SFA procedures as set forth in the SFA Governance Document. If, after following appropriate grievance procedures (Section 3), persons within the Department find cause for recommending the removal of the Chair within the term of office, such a recommendation, with a statement of reasons, shall be presented to the Chair and the Dean of the School of Fine Arts. Subsequent action in this matter will be at the direction of the Dean, acting in consultation with the members of the Department.