Representative to University Senate, Student Organizations, and Faculty Meetings
2.7 Representative to University Senate
One faculty representative to University Senate is elected by a majority vote of the quasi-departmental unit of Architecture and Interior Design, and Theatre, in alternating terms. The two departments of the quasi-departmental unit have agreed to alternate terms of three years unless one department yields its term to the other.
2.8 Student Organizations
2.8.1 Student Advisory Council (SAC):
(14) Student representatives are selected as follows:
- (2) from the first-year
- (2) from the second-year ARC class and (1) from the second-year ID class
- (2) from the third-year ARC class and (1) from the third-year ID class
- (2) from the fourth-year ARC class and (1) from the fourth-year ID class
- (3) from the graduate program (one from each year)
Faculty advisors to the SAC include the Chair and other faculty representatives as interested.
2.8.2 American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)
2.8.3 International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Student Chapter
2.8.4 Unspecified student organizations.
2.9 Faculty Meetings
2.9.1 Format:
Meetings are typically held bi-weekly, but no less frequently than monthly, and are scheduled by the Chair. Meetings may also be called at the request of three voting members. Meeting dates and times should be made available at least one week in advance and are ideally set at the beginning of each semester. The Chair shall prepare an agenda in advance of each meeting, and agenda items can be added by faculty. The Chair is further responsible for making sure that meeting minutes are kept, recorded, and promptly distributed. Procedures and conduct of faculty meetings are informal except when need for precision and definitiveness of decision requires adherence to Robert’s Rules of Order. The Chair may appoint a parliamentarian to assist in the conduct of meetings.
2.9.2 Voting:
A quorum to conduct business and make decisions is 50% of the voting members of the department. Voting members include:
• All full-time tenured, tenure-track, and visiting members of the faculty holding the rank of Instructor or above. When voting relates to personnel decisions, or at the discretion of the permanent faculty, only full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty will vote.
• All continuing members of the faculty who have greater than a half-time appointment.
• All full-time unclassified staff in the department.
There is no proxy voting; only those eligible and present at a meeting may vote. Voting is normally open but can be made secret upon a vote of those present and eligible to vote. Unless otherwise stated in this document, a simple majority is needed for passage of a motion. (Note that specific committees (e.g. Promotion and Tenure) may exhibit more restrictive voting requirements. See Section 7.5.4.)17