Attendance and Class Policies
8.2 Classes
8.2.1 Class Sizes
Class sizes must appropriately reflect each program’s pedagogical mission. Each program plan must be designed in cooperation with the chair with regard for staffing and facility resources. The faculty will cooperate with the Chair in working towards equitable balance of enrollment in all classes offered. In accordance with university policy, low-enrollment classes (typically under 10) not specifically required for majors, minors, or thematic sequences may be cancelled.
8.2.2 Frequency of offerings
- Required courses must be offered at least once annually.
- Courses required in minors must be offered at a frequency to fulfill requirements.
- Courses offered to fulfill university liberal education requirements must be offered at a frequency appropriate to satisfy student progress and as acceptable to the Director of the Office of Liberal Education.
- Electives are offered in a variety and frequency that accords as best as possible with the balance of student and faculty interests and other curricular needs.
8.2.3 Scheduling of Courses
Courses should be scheduled throughout the day to provide an ongoing active educational environment.
Course scheduling must be flexible to accommodate professional commitments of visiting faculty.
8.2.4 Availability of Facilities
All faculty must use the established process devised by the department for requesting use of break-out spaces, jury spaces, projection facilities, etc.
8.2.5 Use of Undergraduates as Teaching Associates and Aids to Faculty.
MUPIM outlines the guidelines for appointing and using undergraduates in classroom instructional activities. Normally, students should not be placed in a position of grading or making independent evaluations of the work of peers. Faculty members are urged to send a letter of appreciation to the assisting students.