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Faculty Undergraduate Research Assistants (Faculty URAs)

The CHDLT is dedicating resources to help individual CHDLT Faculty Associates (FA) recruit, train, and utilize URAs from outside their home departments (with the purpose of promoting interdisciplinary work) to assist with any phase of the research process.

  1. On their own or with the help of the CHDLT Board, an FA will identify one or two undergraduates outside their home departments to serve as URAs.
  2. The student(s)will be formally enrolled for independent study research credit with the faculty member.
  3. The FA will propose a budget of up to $300 per student per year ($600maximum) to facilitate research and training. Admissible expenses include online training for students, books and other relevant research materials, software, student travel expenses to and from research sites, and participant incentives. Up to $100 per student may be used by faculty for their own professional development.
  4. The faculty member will acknowledge the CHDLT assistance in professional presentations and publications stemming from work conducted with the assistance of the URAs.
  5. Recipients will write a brief memo to the CHDLT co-directors at the end of the academic year in which the funds were used, not to exceed one page, describing the work students did, outcomes, and advice for future recipients.
Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis at regularly-scheduled CHDLTexecutive board meetings with no more than two awards being made in any given semester, each supporting up to two students.

Seed Money

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide CHDLT Faculty Associates with $500 seed money to prepare for writing strong grant proposals for external funding, such as resources to provide stipends for experts to review drafts of grant proposals, engage with grant writing consultants, or collect/analyze pilot data.


CHDLT Faculty Associates who have not received seed money within the last three years.


Submit a 1-page application to the CHDLT executive board. The proposal should outline how the money would be spent, the nature of the specific research, and specify one or more specific Requests for Proposals or other funding mechanisms that are being pursued.


Successful applicants must agree to make a brief presentation to the CHDLT Executive Board about how they spent the seed money within two years of receiving the seed grant. Applicants must agree to seek external research funding under the auspices of the CHDLT. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the CHDLT mentoring program and other resources in addition to the seed money program.


Applicants will be informed of the Executive board’s decision within a week after the subsequent board meeting.

Contact Us

Interested CHDLT members are welcome to contact: