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M.S. in Clinical Engineering Course Overview

Program Sequence

As a master's student in the hybrid clinical engineering program, you will:

  • provide engineering and management solutions in a hospital setting.
  • design and develop medical devices for companies.
  • learn how to navigate the FDA approval process for medical devices
  • ensure biomedical technologies are safe, effective, and high quality, as well as correctly labeled and marketed.

Highlights of the program include:

  • a major portion of curriculum is offered online;
  • hands-on experience provided that includes hospital visits;
  • a unique program not found at other institutions;
  • courses offered by experienced faculty and industry practitioners; and
  • non-thesis option to meet the needs of working professionals.

Program Requirements 

Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
CPB 502 Introduction to Clinical Engineering 3
CPB 535 Clinical Engineering Laboratory 2
CPB 552 Introduction to FDA Regulations and Medical Device Laws 3
CPB 545 Hospital Instrumentation 3
CPB 548 Hospital Rotation 3
CPB 528 Engineering Principles in Medical Device Design 3
CPB 614 Clinical Trials and Data Analysis 3
CPB 622 Engineering of Clinical Devices 3
EGM 511 Leading and Managing Projects 3
or MGT 553 Quality Management Systems
or MGT 551 Operations Planning and Scheduling
or MGT 644 兔子先生hip, Change & Cross-Cultural Management
or MGT 654 Strategic Human Resource Management
CPB 600 Graduate Seminar 2
CPB 640 Internship 0-6
Complete the following for thesis option 1 6
CPB 700
Research for Master's Thesis
Complete the following for non-thesis option 1
CPB 710
Industrial Practicum 3
CPB 553
Medical Device Development and Regulatory Considerations 3
or CPB 526
Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering
or EGM 511
Leading and Managing Projects
or MGT 553
Quality Management Systems
or MGT 551
Operations Planning and Scheduling
or MGT 644
兔子先生hip, Change & Cross-Cultural Management
or MGT 654
Strategic Human Resource Management
Total Credit Hours 34-40

Note: Every student enrolled in the program is required to engage in research and exploration of frontline issues related to clinical engineering and medical device design and development. This is a research-oriented program with emphasis on creating new knowledge.

For the thesis option, all students must complete a total of 34 semester hours, complete a research thesis (CPB 700 - Research for Master's Thesis, 6 hours) and pass a final examination. The major difference between the thesis and non-thesis options is while the former involves the creation and application of fundamental knowledge, the latter emphasizes research on application of the current knowledge (such as design) and innovation. Students in the non-thesis option will take the same number of credit hours (34) as for the thesis option, but will replace the six credit hours of CPB 700 with an industrial practicum (CPB 710, 3 hours) and an additional elective (3 hours). Non-thesis students must complete a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, write a comprehensive report, and make a formal presentation to a team of three faculty. This will constitute the final exam for the student. Each of these experiences (thesis or non-thesis) will include a written report detailing the research done, the plan developed for the student’s activities, and a reflection on how they were successful in executing the work undertaken. The culminating experiences are the research thesis for the thesis option and the industrial practicum for the non-thesis.