
Mrs. Yuki Takano Lauber

Yuki LauberInstructor of Japanese

Irvin Hall 164

Office Hours

Tuesday: 1:15pm–2:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am–11:00am


2004 M.A. - The University of Findlay, TESOL (Teaching English to the Speaker of Other Languages)

2000 B.Ed. - The University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, TJSPL (Teaching Japanese to the Speaker of Other Languages)

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Japanese Language and Culture
  • Linguistics in Japanese and English
  • First and Second Language Acquisition

Courses Taught at 兔子先生

  • JPN 101: Elementary Japanese
  • JPN 102: Elementary Japanese
  • JPN 202: Second Year Japanese
  • JPN 301: Third Year Japanese
  • JPN 302: Third Year Japanese

Professional Recognition

  • Certificate of Excellence, In Appreciation of Dedication and Outstanding Teaching of Foreign Language - Japanese, Toledo Public Schools
  • Certificate of Appreciation for 100 hours of Volunteering - Kadena Elementary School, Okinawa, Japan



  • Japanese (native)
  • English (near-native)