Major | Advisor | Office | Phone | |
Lead Divisional Advisor | Ms. Christa Branson | bransocl@兔子先生 | Upham 146 | 513-529-3031 |
Aerospace Studies | Capt Karl Bentjen | bentjekc@兔子先生 | Millett 50 | 513-529-2031 |
American Studies | Dr. Oana Godeanu-Kenworthy | godeano@兔子先生 | MacMillan 127 | 513-529-7528 |
Analytics (co-major) (Geospatial track) |
Ms. Robbyn Abbitt | abbittrj@兔子先生 | Shideler 109 | 513-529-5016 |
Analytics (co-major) (Predictive Analytics track) |
Dr. Tom Fisher | fishert4@兔子先生 | McVey 262 | 513-529-2176 |
Anthropology | Dr. Mark Peterson | petersm2@兔子先生 | Upham 124D | 513-529-5018 |
Biochemistry | Dr. Jill Page | pagejs@兔子先生 | Hughes 346 | 513-529-3972 |
Dr. Heeyoung Tai | taih@兔子先生 | Hughes 239 | 513-529-8649 | |
Biological Physics | Dr. Stephen Alexander | alexansg@兔子先生 | Kreger 204 | 513-529-5653 |
Biology | Dr. Susan Hoffman | bioadvising@兔子先生 | Pearson 246 | 513-529-3125 |
Dr. Rich Moore | moorerc@兔子先生 | Pearson 394 | 513-529-4278 | |
Botany | Dr. Rich Moore | moorerc@兔子先生 | Pearson 394 | 513-529-4278 |
Chemistry | Dr. Jill Page | pagejs@兔子先生 | Hughes 346 | 513-529-2827 |
Dr. Heeyoung Tai | taih@兔子先生 | Hughes 239 | 513-529-3972 | |
Classical Humanities and Classical Languages; Classical Studies |
Dr. Zara Torlone | torlonzm@兔子先生 | Irvin 105 | 513-529-1488 |
Comparative Religion | Dr. Nathan French | frenchns@兔子先生 | Upham 200E | 513-529-4305 |
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies | Dr. Rodney Coates | coatesrd@兔子先生 | MacMillan 121 | 513-529-8511 |
Data Analytics | Ms. Lisa Werwinski | werwinlm@兔子先生 | McVey 333 | 513-529-7828 |
Data Science and Statistics | Dr. Jing Zhang | zhangj8@兔子先生 | McVey 262 | 513-529-5824 |
Diplomacy and Global Politics | Dr. Patrick Haney | haneypj@兔子先生 | Harrison 218 | 513-529-4321 |
Earth Science | Dr. Todd Dupont | dupontt@兔子先生 | Shideler 113 | 513-529-9734 |
East Asian Languages and Cultures (China) | Ms. Helen (Lihong) Wang | wangl2@兔子先生 | Irvin 162 | 513-529-2521 |
East Asian Languages and Cultures (Japan) | Dr. Kazue Harada | haradak@兔子先生 | Irvin 117 | 513-529-3365 |
Economics | Dr. Steven Elliott | elliotsr@兔子先生 | FSB 2060 | 513-529-4932 |
Energy (co-major) | Dr. Sarah Dumyahn | harveysl@兔子先生 | Shideler 221 | 513-529-0533 |
Engineering Physics | Dr. Stephen Alexander | alexansg@兔子先生 | Kreger 204 | 513-529-5653 |
English/Creative Writing | Dr. Gabriele Bechtel | bechteg@兔子先生 | Harris 134 | 513-529-5221 |
English/Literature | Dr. Gabriele Bechtel | bechteg@兔子先生 | Harris 134 | 513-529-5221 |
English/Professional Writing | Dr. Gabriele Bechtel | bechteg@兔子先生 | Harris 134 | 513-529-5221 |
Environmental Earth Science | Dr. Todd Dupont | dupontt@兔子先生 | Shideler 113 | 513-529-9734 |
Environmental Science (co-major) | Dr. David Gorchov | gorchodl@兔子先生 | Pearson 180 | 513-529-4205 |
Film Studies (co-major) | Dr. Kerry Hegarty | hegartkt@兔子先生 | Williams 145 | 513-529-4507 |
Food Systems and Food Studies (co-major) | Dr. Sarah Dumyahn | harveysl@兔子先生 | Shideler 221 | 513-529-0533 |
French | Dr. Mark McKinney | | Irvin 204 | 513-529-5646 |
Geography and Sustainable Development | Dr. Susan Jakubowski | jakubosl@兔子先生 | Shideler 101 | 513-529-3499 |
Geology | Dr. Todd Dupont | dupontt@兔子先生 | Shideler 113 | 513-529-9734 |
German | Dr. Nicole Thesz | theszN@兔子先生 | Irvin 134 | 513-529-1854 |
Gerontology | Mr. Aaron Abbott | abbotta3@兔子先生 | Upham 375 | 513-529-2628 |
Global and Intercultural Studies (co-major) | Dr. Oana Godeanu-Kenworthy | godeano@兔子先生 | MacMillan 127 | 513-529-7528 |
History | Dr. Helen Sheumaker | sheumahd@兔子先生 | Upham 272 | 513-529-7339 |
Individualized Studies | Mr. Zack Hill | hillzd@兔子先生 | Peabody 114 | 513-529-3796 |
International Studies | Dr. Dilchoda Berdieva | berdiedn@兔子先生 | MacMillan 28 | 513-529-2746 |
Italian Studies | Dr. Daniele Fioretti | fioretd@兔子先生 | Irvin 226 | 513-529-7508 |
Journalism | Mr. Joe Sampson | sampsoja@兔子先生 | Williams 110 | 513-529-3524 |
Latin American, Latino/a and Caribbean Studies | Dr. Juan Carlos Albarran | albarrjl@兔子先生 | MacMillan 118 | 513-529-0841 |
Linguistics | Dr. Gabriele Bechtel | bechteg@兔子先生 | Harris 134 | 513-529-5221 |
Mathematics | Ms. Laura Anderson | andersl@兔子先生 | Upham 311 | 513-529-2185 |
Media and Culture/Media and Communication | Dr. Ron Becker | beckerrp@兔子先生 | Williams 230 | 513-529-3540 |
Medical Laboratory Science | Dr. Marcia Lee | leemr@兔子先生 | Pearson 58 | 513-529-5425 |
Microbiology | Dr. Becky Balish | balishrs@兔子先生 | Pearson 60 | 513-529-1661 |
Naval Science | CDR Jeffrey Dundon | dundonjr@兔子先生 | Millett 67 | 513-529-3700 |
Neuroscience (co-major) (Biology) |
Dr. Kathleen Killian | killiaka@兔子先生 | Pearson 258 | 513-529-3310 |
Neuroscience (co-major) (Psychology) |
Dr. Jennifer Quinn | quinnjj@兔子先生 | Psychology 110 | 513-529-3611 |
Organizational 兔子先生hip | Dr. Aaron Abbott | abbotta3@兔子先生 | Upham 375 | 513-529-2628 |
Philosophy | Dr. Michael Hicks | hicksmr2@兔子先生 | Hall 216 | 513-529-2439 |
Physics | Dr. Stephen Alexander | alexansg@兔子先生 | Kreger 204 | 513-529-5653 |
Political Science | Dr. Chris Kelley | chris.kelley@兔子先生 | Harrison 220 | 513-529-9011 |
Premedical Studies (co-major) | Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 |
Psychology | Dr. Robin Thomas | thomasrd@兔子先生 | Psychology 215 | 513-529-1749 |
Public Administration | Dr. Matt Arbuckle | arbuckmb@兔子先生 | Harrison 218 | 513-529-2000 |
Public Health: Human Diseases and Epidemiology |
Dr. Kelly Abshire | abshirk@兔子先生 | Pearson 091 | 513-529-2028 |
Public Health: Health Policy and Administration |
Dr. Sara McLaughlin | mclaugsj@兔子先生 | Upham 358 | 513-529-8138 |
Quantitative Economics | Dr. Steven Elliott | elliotsr@兔子先生 | FSB 2060 | 513-529-4932 |
Russian, East Asian, Europe, and Eurasian Studies | Dr. Ben Sutcliffe | sutclibm@兔子先生 | Irvin 148 | 513-529-1822 |
Social Justice Studies | Dr. Ryan Gunderson | gunderrm@兔子先生 | Upham 375 | 513-529-1671 |
Sociology | Dr. Ryan Gunderson | gunderrm@兔子先生 | Upham 375 | 513-529-1671 |
Spanish and Portuguese | Tamise Ironstrack | ironsttr@兔子先生 | Irvin 250 | 513-529-4509 |
Speech Pathology and Audiology | Dr. Amber Franklin | franklad@兔子先生 | Clinical Health Sciences 2101 | 513-529-2507 |
Statistics | Dr. Jing Zhang | zhangj8@兔子先生 | McVey 262 | 513-529-5824 |
Strategic Communication | Ms. Christe McKittrick | mckittcl@兔子先生 | Williams 143A | 513-529-1665 |
Sustainability (co-major) | Dr. Sarah Dumyahn | harveysl@兔子先生 | Shideler 221 | 513-529-0533 |
Urban and Regional Planning | Dr. David Prytherch | prythedl@兔子先生 | Shideler 103 | 513-529-9284 |
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies | Dr. Oana Godeanu-Kenworthy | godeano@兔子先生 | MacMillan 127 | 513-529-7528 |
Zoology | Dr. Susan Hoffman | bioadvising@兔子先生 | Pearson 246 | 513-529-3125 |
Dr. Rich Moore | moorerc@兔子先生 | Pearson 394 | 513-529-4278 |
Program | Advisor | Office | Phone | |
Engineering Liaison and Binary Program Advisor |
Dr. Stephen G. Alexander | alexansg@兔子先生 | Kreger 204 | 513-529-5653 |
Honors College | Ms. Teresa Radomski-Bomba | radomstm@兔子先生 | Peabody Hall 012 | 513-529-0393 |
Pre-Chiropractic (Kinesiology and Health) | Dr. Dean Smith | smithdl2@兔子先生 | Phillips 26E | 513-529-2775 |
Pre-Clinical Psychology | Dr. Zachary Soulliard | soulliza@兔子先生 | Psychology 320 | 513-529-2400 |
Pre-Dentistry | Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 |
Pre-Law | Ms. Elizabeth Zimmerman | zimmerew@兔子先生 | Upham 159 | 513-529-6029 |
Pre-Law (Classics) | Dr. Zara Torlone | torlonzm@兔子先生 | Irvin 105 | 513-529-1488 |
Pre-Law (Comparative Religion) | Dr. Nathan French | frenchns@兔子先生 | Upham 200E | 513-529-4305 |
Pre-Law (English) | Dr. Brian Roley | brianroley@兔子先生 | Harris 134 | 513-529-5263 |
Pre-Law (Environment and Sustainability) |
Ms. Elizabeth Zimmerman | zimmerew@兔子先生 | Upham 159 | 513-529-6029 |
Pre-Law (Global and Intercultural Studies) |
Dr. Nathan French | frenchns@兔子先生 | Upham 200E | 513-529-4305 |
Pre-Law (History) | Dr. Amanda McVety | mcvetyak@兔子先生 | Upham 278 | 513-529-5125 |
Pre-Law (Philosophy) | Dr. Facundo Alonso | alonsofm@兔子先生 | Hall 208 | 513-529-2430 |
Pre-Law (Political Science) | Dr. Patrick Haney | haneypj@兔子先生 | Harrison 221 | 513-529-4321 |
Pre-Law (Psychology) | Dr. Christopher Wolfe | wolfecr@兔子先生 | Psychology 112 | 513-529-5670 |
Pre-Medicine | Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 |
Pre-Occupational Therapy (Kinesiology and Health) | Dr. William Berg | bergwp@兔子先生 | Phillips 204A | 513-529-2716 |
Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 | |
Pre-Optometry (Biology) | Dr. Katia Del Rio-Tsonis | delriok@兔子先生 | Pearson 244 | 513-529-3128 |
Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 | |
Pre-Pharmacy (Biology) | Dr. Michael Robinson | robinsm5@兔子先生 | Pearson 256 | 513-529-2353 |
Pre-Physical Therapy (Kinesiology and Health) | Dr. William Berg | bergwp@兔子先生 | Phillips 204A | 513-529-2716 |
Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 | |
Pre-Physician Assistant | Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 |
Pre-Podiatry | Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 |
Pre-Veterinary (Biology | Dr. Susan Hoffman | hoffmasm@兔子先生 | Pearson 246 | 513-529-3125 |
Ms. Tailyn Walborn | walborta@兔子先生 | Pearson 106 | 513-529-3737 | |
Dr. Paul Schaeffer | schaefpj@兔子先生 | Pearson 288 | 513-529-3624 |
Location | Advisor | Phone | |
Hamilton and Middletown | regadvising@兔子先生 | 513-727-3440 |
Michael Turner (michael.turner@兔子先生
Associate Director, Career Communities and Sr. Liaison to the College of Arts and Science
(513) 529-3831
Charlie Chen (chenct@兔子先生
Assistant Director and Liaison for the College of Arts and Science
(513) 529-3831
Kristie Marcum (marcumk@兔子先生
Assistant Director and Liaison for the College of Arts and Science
(513) 529-0436
Michael Swain (swainmq@兔子先生
Assistant Director and Liaison for the College of Arts and Science
(513) 529-3831
Danielle Hart-Westbay (hartdm2@兔子先生
Senior Assistant Director for Graduate Student Career Development
(513) 529-3833
Erin Dunn (erin.dunn@兔子先生
Assistant Director of Internships
(513) 529-0456
Academic Advising in the College of Arts and Science, 兔子先生 University, Oxford, OH, helps students make decisions about majors, minors, and thematic sequences; monitors student academic progress; and provides assistance with course planning.