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Long-Term Care Facilities • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Final Summary Report

This study evaluated the performance of Ohio’s Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program during its initial implementation period; it is one report among four.

Long-Term Care Facilities • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Final Summary Report

This study evaluated the performance of Ohio’s Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program during its initial implementation period; it is one report among four. Enrollment in the program was slower than originally anticipated; during that initial implementation 134 participants were enrolled. Findings: Assisted living waiver residents on average report higher levels of disability compared to PASSPORT participants, but are not as impaired as nursing home residents. Participants report high levels of satisfaction with the enrollment process and with the facilities. Because of the slower than expected build-up and the short time frame of the evaluation, results should be viewed as preliminary.