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Locally Funded Services for the Older Population: A Description of Senior-Service Property-Tax Levies in Ohio

This report provides findings from a survey of Ohio's counties operating senior-service property-tax levies. Results cover services, expenditures, clients served, eligibility, election strategies and more.

Home and Community Based Services • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Locally Funded Services for the Older Population: A Description of Senior-Service Property-Tax Levies in Ohio

This report provides findings from a survey of Ohio's counties operating senior-service property-tax levies. Results cover services, expenditures, clients served, eligibility, election strategies and more. Where possible, comparisons are made to a similar survey conducted in 2005.

*If you downloaded the full report "Locally Funded Services for the Older Population: A Description of Senior-Service Property-Tax Levies in Ohio" prior to March 13 at 1:30 p.m. THERE WAS AN ERROR IN TABLE 1: Carrol County's 'Per Capita' levy amount should have been $24 not $245. The error has been corrected and you may download it below by clicking "Download Full Report (PDF 28 pages)".

Updated 07/09/2012: Full report corrected to show the levy passage date in Washington county as 2001.