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Arts and Aging • Education

Allophilia: Increasing college students' "liking" of older adults with dementia through arts-based intergenerational experiences

This study evaluates whether an arts-based intergenerational experience, Opening Minds through Art (OMA), increases positive attitudes or allophilia ("liking for the other"—in this case, older adults with dementia) in 216 students who joined the OMA program as compared with 499 students in the control group.

Arts and Aging • Education

Allophilia: Increasing college students' "liking" of older adults with dementia through arts-based intergenerational experiences

This study evaluates whether an arts-based intergenerational experience, Opening Minds through Art (OMA), increases positive attitudes or allophilia ("liking for the other"—in this case, older adults with dementia) in 216 students who joined the OMA program as compared with 499 students in the control group.

Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, doi:10.1080/02701960.2018.1515740