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Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Exploring the Criterion Validity of Pragmatic Person-Centered Care/Culture Change Measures

This study aims to assess the criterion validity of the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) Implementation Indicator with other culture change measures.

Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Exploring the Criterion Validity of Pragmatic Person-Centered Care/Culture Change Measures

Nursing homes (NHs) are required to provide person-centered care, efforts often folded into broader culture change initiatives. Despite the known benefits of culture change, it is difficult to measure. This study aims to assess the criterion validity of the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) Implementation Indicator with other culture change measures. Findings suggest that the PELI Implementation Indicator can be used as a pragmatic indicator of a community’s adoption of person-centered care and culture change.

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