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Cognitive/Communication Challenges

Examining Face Validity of Visual Stimuli Used in Preference Assessments for Older Adults With Communication Impairments

Preference assessment is integral to person-centered treatment planning for older adults with communication impairments.

Cognitive/Communication Challenges

Examining Face Validity of Visual Stimuli Used in Preference Assessments for Older Adults With Communication Impairments

Preference assessment is integral to person-centered treatment planning for older adults with communication impairments. There is a need to validate photographs used in preference assessment for this population. Therefore, this study aimed to establish preliminary face validity of photographs selected to enhance comprehension of questions from the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory–Nursing Home (PELI-NH) and describe themes in older adults' recommendations for revising photographic stimuli.

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_AJSLP-21-00303

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