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A Process Evaluation of Developing Older Adult Research Advisory Boards in Long Term Care Settings

Older adults residing in long-term care settings can contribute their lived experience to informing the development and implementation of programs, interventions, practices, and policies that affect their lives.

Home and Community Based Services • Long-Term Care

A Process Evaluation of Developing Older Adult Research Advisory Boards in Long Term Care Settings

Older adults residing in long-term care settings can contribute their lived experience to informing the development and implementation of programs, interventions, practices, and policies that affect their lives. Long-term services and supports (LTSS) would benefit from a greater understanding of the preferences and perspectives of those they serve, leading to opportunities for service innovations, improvements in how older adults experience LTSS, and outcomes that matter to them. Researchers and practitioners have an ethical obligation to elicit the contributions of older adults receiving LTSS, however, there are few mechanisms in place to facilitate collaboration.

Progress in Community Health Partnerships

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