Presentation - Equity in Adult Education: The Ohio Story
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Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins
Presentation - Equity in Adult Education: The Ohio Story
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Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins
Promising Practices in Adult Guardianship in Ohio
Contains research brief and five count reports.
Candidus C. Nwakasi • Amy Restorick Roberts • Gifty Ashirifi
Lucas County Adult Guardianship Assessment Report
In 2019, Scripps Gerontology Center was contracted by the Lucas County Guardianship Exploratory Committee to assess adult guardianship service needs in Lucas County, Ohio.
Elisabeth E. Fulton • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Amy Restorick Roberts
Stark County Court Angel Program: An evaluation report
The Stark County Probate Court Angel Program is the first volunteer-based monitoring program by a probate court in Ohio and is designed to confirm the well-being of persons under guardianship.
Amy Restorick Roberts • Amy J. Daily
Objectives The United States Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides meals and snacks to low-income children in child care.
Kendall Leser
NACCHO's baseline assessment of disability inclusion within local health departments
People with disabilities can greatly benefit from inclusive health promotion and educational activities already being implemented by local health departments (LHDs), which can help reduce their ris...
Kendall Leser
A Study of Adult Guardianship in Ohio: Preliminary Results
This research brief is a description of findings from interviews with key informants from the first phase of a study entitled: “Adult Guardianship in Ohio: Promising Practices.”
Heather R. Reece • Amy Restorick Roberts
Long-term services and supports (LTSS): A growing challenge for an aging America
Because most Americans do not plan for the likelihood that we will need formal assistance because of a disability, many end up using the public assistance Medicaid program as the safety net for LTSS.
Public health policies are designed for specific subsets of the population.
Dawn Carr • J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
What the Paradox of Change Means for the Future of Aging Services
The aging services sector must foster and embrace change, evolving to meet the demands of our modern world, lest it go the way of companies like Kodak and Blockbuster-neither of which anticipated o...
Identifying naturally occurring retirement communities: A spatial analysis
Guided by the concept of "aging in place" and potential policy implications, the study analyzed naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs; 40% or greater house owners and renters ...
Takashi Yamashita • Jennifer M. Kinney
Integrated Care and the Aging Network: The Next Frontier or the End of an Era?
The strong push to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services has been driven by the federal government through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and by states, in response to two maj...
Think Globally, Act Locally: The Maturing of a Worldwide Science and Practice of Aging
This article answers the question, “Why should we care about global aging?” with a look at the first half century (1945-2000) in the study of aging, and then delineates the reasons why ...