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Loxophyllum Ciliate Protozoan

Loxophyllum is a predatory protozoan. These single-celled organisms are ciliates, being covered in hair-like structures known as cilia. The cilia beat in synchronized waves, propelling the organism through the water. They live in freshwater environments, are carnivorous and feed on other ciliates and . The membranelles, rows of fused cilia are used for catching prey as well as locomotion.  Most ciliates possess an oral cavity, or cytostome, through which food enters the cell.

Reproduction is primarily asexual, by binary fission, but sexual reproduction also occurs by conjugation, a process by which two organisms exchange nuclear material.

Ciliates are generally considered the most evolved and complex of protozoans.

Copyright: Microscopy U

Loxophyllum ciliate protozoan

Copyright: Cheryl Safren

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Department of Microbiology

212 Pearson Hall
700 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056