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Dragonfly Visiting Assistant Professor writes book and is honored by AASA

Dragonfly Visiting Assistant Professor Michelle Szydlowski Ph.D. has published a new book, "Elephant Tourism in Nepal," through CABI.

Dragonfly Visiting Assistant Professor writes book and is honored by AASA

 Michele szydlowski

Dragonfly Visiting Assistant Professor Michelle Szydlowski Ph.D. has published a new book, "Elephant Tourism in Nepal," through CABI. Visit to view all available purchase options and gain access to the book.

Additionally, she and her working group colleagues were recently honored by the Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) with —one for and the other for their work creating and hosting the annual Anthrozoology as International Practice (AIP) in November 2023, with 320+ registrants from 52 countries in attendance. Established in 2005, the AASA works in the field of animal studies and provides a hub for research, opportunities, and robust discussion in the field of animal studies.

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