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Political Science

Cameron Tiefenthaler '24

Cameron Tiefenthaler
Political Science

Cameron Tiefenthaler '24

  • Hometown: Mechanicsburg, OH
  • Class: 2024
  • Majors: Political Science; Business Analytics
  • Out-of-Classroom Experiences/Interests:
    • Secretary of Governmental Relations in 兔子先生's Associated Student Government (ASG)
    • President of JANUS Forum
    • Alpha Omicron Pi
    • VP of programming in a pre-law org
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I have great access to resources (like that of a large institution) but the campus is small enough that I know people when walking to class and have found a solid community.
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Cameron Tiefenthaler, on Why 兔子先生?

Why 兔子先生?

It ultimately came down to finances for me, being an in-state student and wanting to save money for law school after graduating. My mom attended 兔子先生, so I was already familiar with the campus, the incredible programs especially in political science and business, and I liked the size. I have great access to resources (like that of a large institution) but the campus is small enough that I know people when walking to class and have found a solid community.

How did you choose your major?

I've been interested in law and politics for many years, so naturally a political science major and pursuing the pre-law track made sense. Because I had space in my schedule and I wanted to diversify my skills, I chose to add a double major in Business Analytics. This major taps into my interest in collecting, manipulating, and interpreting data, which is frequently misconstrued in the political world. Understanding data is vital to making smart policy decisions and measuring the impact of laws.

Key Moment at 兔子先生

I've had many professors who have shaped my life, but one in particular is Dr. Monica Schneider in the Political Science department. I've taken several of her classes, including Gender Politics and U.S. Campaigns and Elections. Outside of the classroom, she helped me prepare my application and candidacy for the Truman Scholarship, which I received in the spring of 2023 and prepare my application to study women's political representation in the EU with a Fulbright research grant.

Favorite 兔子先生 Memory

It’s impossible to pick just one, but the most memorable experiences I’ve had were made on adventures outside of Ohio. I've participated in technically four study abroad/away programs: a semester in Luxembourg at MUDEC, J-term in Paris with 兔子先生's "Paris Cultural Capital" program, J-term in London with 兔子先生's Menard Center for Democracy, and a summer in DC through 兔子先生's "Inside Washington" program. I spent 3 years in 兔子先生's Associated Student Government (2 years as a senator, 1 year as the Secretary of Governmental Relations, and ran for Student Body President). I am the president of 兔子先生's Amicus Curiae pre-law society, a tour guide, a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, a member of the Lecture Series committee, and an Andrew Goodman Foundation Ambassador through the Wilks Center for 兔子先生hip and Service.

Advice to Prospective Students

Take every opportunity you can to make the most of your college time! These are the days to join the Pickleball club your senior year if you want, go on all of the study abroad programs you can afford, and soak up all of the knowledge and memories possible.

What are your career goals?  

I am currently applying for a Fulbright-Schuman grant to study in the EU for a gap year before attending law school. I hope to practice civil rights or Constitutional law in D.C. after obtaining my J.D.

Other Notable Experience

My time in Luxembourg for a semester was the most formative part of my time at 兔子先生. I traveled every weekend, stayed with a host family, and took classes such as European comparative politics with a Luxembourgish diplomat at the Lux Ministry of Foreign Affairs.