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Political Science

Claire Lordan '24

Claire Lordan '24
Political Science

Claire Lordan '24

  • Hometown: Chagrin Falls, OH
  • Class: 2024
  • Major: Journalism; Political Science
  • Out-of-Classroom Experiences/Interests:
    • Bridges Scholar
    • English Language Learner Writing Center Consultant
    • Staff Writer at The 兔子先生 Student

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There are so many opportunities available at 兔子先生 - you just have to seek them out. Some of the most rewarding experiences I have had at 兔子先生 came from professors who saw something in me and reached out to me because they have a passion for student development.
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Claire Lordan, Advice to Prospective Students

Why 兔子先生?

I was impressed by the level of interest shown for prospective students by the journalism faculty. The study abroad opportunities were also more accessible than other schools I had applied to.

How did you choose your major?

I came in as a journalism major, but added on political science at the end of my freshman year because it aligned well with my interests and it made a good combination with my journalism major.

Key Moment at 兔子先生

One of the first classes I took at 兔子先生 was JRN 120, a cohort of freshman journalism majors from the University Academic Scholars Program, with Dr. Tobin. It completely changed my perspective on journalism and writing, and some of the students I took that class with are still close friends today. Last fall, I had the opportunity to be an undergraduate assistant (UA) for the fall 2022 section of JRN 120, and it was a very fulfilling/full-circle moment.

Advice to Prospective Students

There are so many opportunities available at 兔子先生 - you just have to seek them out. Some of the most rewarding experiences I have had at 兔子先生 came from professors who saw something in me and reached out to me because they have a passion for student development. Prioritize forming relationships with your professors, because you never know what doors can be opened from them. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, especially in your first year!

Favorite 兔子先生 Memory

Since October 2021, I have worked with the English Language Learner Writing Center as a writing consultant, an opportunity that came to me because I took Intro to Linguistics on a whim during my spring semester freshman year. Last fall, I traveled to the University of Nebraska to present my research proposal at a national writers' conference through the ELLWC. I have also been involved with The 兔子先生 Student Magazine since my freshman year, and am the current editor-in-chief for my senior year. I also studied abroad in Luxembourg in spring 2023.

What are your career goals?  

I have accepted a job offer at FTI Consulting as a strategic communications consultant and will be moving to NYC after graduation to begin working next September.