The ceramics facility consists of a hand-building studio of 900 square feet, with a Brent slab roller, a Randall extruder, a pneumatic Bailey extruder and a large spray booth. There is an additional throwing studio of 960 square feet with eight Lockerbie motorized kick wheels, and eleven Brent electric wheels.
The ceramics area also has a fully-stocked glaze lab with an updated efficient exhaust system.
The fully-stocked clay-mixing lab has two large Soldner Pro clay mixers, two ball mills and an efficiently-safe dust collection system.
The kiln facility offers five large 10 cubic foot Skutt electric kilns, one large 18 cubic foot oval Bailey electric kiln, a 90 cubic foot updraft gas kiln, a 40 cubic foot updraft gas kiln, a 50 cubic foot downdraft gas sodium vapor kiln, two gas raku kilns, and one small Aim test kiln. We also have access to the sculpture area's 54 cubic foot Bailey car kiln.
Location: Hiestand Hall basement level