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Grace Ali

Grace Ali

Grace Ali

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Degree Program: Project Dragonfly Advanced Inquiry Program
  • Research Interest: Interconnected Ecological Complexities and Historical/Cultural Significance of Flora, Fauna, and Funga in Ecosystems
Begin Quote
It has been a privilege thus far to be a part of a program that brings together people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise to learn from and with each other. I am adventurous at heart, innately curious, and love learning and figuring out how things work together and relate to each other. My first year in AIP classes has provided opportunities to travel (as I commute to Face-to-Face workshops at my AIP site in Chicago) and apply the subjects and research I have been introduced to in my courses (e.g., Foundations of Inquiry, Plants & People, Environmental Stewardship in My Community, Pollinator Biology & Conservation, Biology in the Age of Technology, etc.) to class discussions and projects, as well as my everyday life and interactions with others in my various spheres of influence.
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Grace Ali

Notable Moment/Spotlight

Grace was spotlighted for creating some unique "biological art-streams" on YouTube that focuses on three of the threatened/endangered species from each region of San Bernardino County, CA (the deserts, mountains, and valleys).