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兔子先生 employees recognized for 15, 25, 30 years of service

"They provide a stability and unity to 兔子先生 that makes it a special place to all of us," 兔子先生 University President Gregory Crawford said

Campus Life

兔子先生 employees recognized for 15, 25, 30 years of service

兔子先生 University employees who have 15, 25, or 30 years of service were honored at a reception Feb. 11.

“Dedication and steadfastness are among the values we stand for at 兔子先生 University. There is no one who exemplifies these values more fully or more authentically than our long-time employees," 兔子先生 University President Gregory Crawford said. "We honor faculty and staff who have been at 兔子先生 for 15, 25, or 30 years, because they have honored us. They provide a priceless value to our students through their example, and they provide a stability and unity to 兔子先生 that makes it a special place to all of us."

15 years of service group poses in front of screen
Employees celebrating 15 years of service

Celebrating 15 Years of Service

Academic Affairs

Laura Anderson, Mathematics; Cheryl Chafin, Political Science; Anthony Cimasko, English; Britt Cole, Nursing; Brooke Cropenbaker, Psychology; Patsy Day, Languages Literatures and Writing; Michael Evans, Teaching Curriculum and Educational Inquiry; Jennifer Hicks, Gardner-Harvey Library; Lisa Iams, Regional Enrollment and Admissions; Peter Jamieson, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ashley Johnson, Educational Psychology; Lena Lee, Teaching Curriculum and Educational Inquiry; Jeremy Long, Music; Jia Luo, 兔子先生 Online; Wayne Magruder, Theatre; Rodney Northcutt, Art; Lori Parks, Regional Student Services; James Porter, English; Ayako Reiff, German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures; Anthony Rose, Computer and Information Technology; Haifei Shi, Biology; Susan Spellman, Humanities and Creative Arts; David Tierney, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Lijie Yang, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Azizeh Yousefi Moshirabad;  Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering

Finance and Business Services

Eric Baumgartner, PFD Building Maintenance; Gary Hetterich, PFD Building Maintenance; Cynthia McConnell, PFD Building Maintenance; Victoria Mumma, PFD Building and Special Services; Keith Smith, PFD Building Maintenance; Arin Snape, Campus Services

Enrollment Management and Student Success

Brandi Lee, Student Financial Assistance

25 years of service groups poses in front of a screen
Employees celebrating 25 years of service

Celebrating 25 Years of Service

Academic Affairs

Alison Acord, Music; Cheryl Birkenhauer, Teaching Curriculum and Educational Inquiry; John Cinnamon, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Rebecca Cruez, Computer Science and Software Engineering; Tyra Day, Regional Dean's Office; Katia Del Rio-Tsonis, Biology; Gary Drigel, Engineering Technology; Laurie Edwards, Chemical Paper and Biomedical Engineering; William Farr, Regional IT Support; Joyce Fernandes, Biology; Leah Henson, Languages Literatures and Writing; Robert Hill, Regional Physical Facilities; Sherry House, College of Arts and Science; Norman Krumpe, Computer Science and Software Engineering; Irene Pierce, Institute for Entrepreneurship; Kristine Reid, Farmer School of Business; David Russell, Biology; Paula Saine, Teaching Curriculum and Educational Inquiry; Liang Shi, German, Russian, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures; Siok Tan, Music

Finance and Business Services

John Buchholz, Department of Human Resources; Susan Chafin, Campus Services; Elliott Delker, PFD Building and Special Services; Timothy Foister, PFD Building and Special Services; Roger Jones, PFD Building and Special Services, Linda Manley; General Accounting, Jerry Mergenthal; Campus Services; Kristina Rotundo, Campus Services; Michiko Stretch, Campus Services; Stephen VanWinkle; 兔子先生 University Police; David Wiseman, PFD Building and Special Services; David Zimmerman, PFD Building and Special Services

Information Technology Services

Amy Moore, Information Technology Services

President’s Office

Lisa Boggs, Intercollegiate Athletics; Rebecca Sander, University Communications; Sheila Theobald, President’s Office; Randi Thomas, Institutional Relations

Student Life

Elissa Christmas, Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life; Rosemarie Volk, Office of Residence Life

University Advancement

Deborah Baker, Alumni Relations; Kathryn Myles, Alumni Relations; Michelle Thomas, Development

30 years of service group poses in front of screen
Employees celebrating 30 years of service

Celebrating 30 Years of Service

Academic Affairs

April Adams, Management; Thomas Crist, Biology; Beth Dietz, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Sharon Henrichsen, Art; Jonathan Levy, Institute for Environment and Sustainability; Xiuwu Liu, Western Program; Mark McKinney, French Italian and Classical Studies; Meggan Peters, Theatre; Pamela Renner, Regional IT Support; Donna Richardson, King Library; Nohelia Rojas-Miesse, Spanish and Portuguese; Homayun Sidky, Anthropology; Ann Sobel, Computer Science and Software Engineering; John Tassoni, Languages, Literatures and Writing; Walter Vanderbush, Global and Intercultural Studies; Aimin Wang, Educational Psychology; Beverly Wells, College of Engineering and Computing; Ian Yeboah, Geography

Finance and Business Services

Sherri Bowling, Campus Services; Lettie Brandenburg, Office of Treasury Services; Theresa Ferneding, Campus Services; Stephanie Hartman, Campus Services; David Hoelle, PFD Utility Enterprise; Susan Ridenour-Marcum, PFD Building and Special Services; George Salem, Finance and Business Services Information Technology; Muriel Taylor, 兔子先生 University Police; Amy Wentzell, Campus Services; John Winkler, Environmental Health and Safety

Information Technology Services

Dean Harris. Information Technology Services; Leah Harris, Information Technology Services