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Limitations for Graduate Faculty Standing

Scope: Faculty are covered by this policy.

Employees • Faculty • Students

Limitations for Graduate Faculty Standing


Due to the nature of their appointment to, or relationship with, ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University, some Graduate Faculty Standing appointments may be limited or restricted as follows.

Resigned and/or Retired Graduate Faculty

When a faculty member leaves active service in the University (through either resignation or retirement), a department chair, with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School, may authorize the individual, upon his or her request, to continue as dissertation director or thesis adviser for those students already in progress.

Retired faculty members may not accept new thesis or dissertation students without the approval of the department chair and the Dean of the Graduate School.

Faculty who have opted for the Early Retirement Plan, but will be available for consultation with students on a regular basis, will be permitted to continue direction of current thesis and dissertation students and to accept new students with the approval of the department chair and the Dean of the Graduate School.

Lecturers and Clinical Faculty

Lecturers and clinical faculty are eligible for appointment for Level B or C. Lecturers and clinical faculty are eligible for appointment for Level A standing to serve as thesis or dissertation directors (major adviser or equivalent) for a specific student on a case by case basis.

Adjunct and Visiting Faculty

Persons appointed as adjunct or visiting faculty may be nominated for Level B or Level C. If appointed to Level B, they may serve as regular voting members of graduate examining committees. Only one adjunct or visiting faculty with Level B Faculty Standing may serve as part of the minimum required number of ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University Level A or Level B members of the Graduate Faculty. Adjunct or visiting faculty may not chair a graduate examination committee, direct theses or dissertations, or serve as the representative of the Graduate School.

Off-Campus Scholar

Having a respected scholar or professional from another institution serve on a graduate examination committee can be very valuable. Therefore, an off-campus scholar who meets the criteria defined in the policy “Determining Levels of Graduate Faculty Standing” section “Level B and Level C Graduate Faculty Standing”, and who is nominated by the department chair may serve as a voting member of a comprehensive or final examination committee for an individual graduate student. Off-campus scholars serve in addition to the minimum required number of ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University Level A or Level B members of the Graduate Faculty. Off-campus scholars may not chair a graduate examination committee, direct theses or dissertations, or serve as the representative of the Graduate School.

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Reference ID

Graduate Handbook 5.3

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Not Applicable.