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Procedures for Appointing Graduate Faculty Members

Scope: Instructional Staff and Unclassified Staff are covered by this policy.

Employees • Students

Procedures for Appointing Graduate Faculty Members


Online forms for applying for graduate faculty standing are available on the .

The department chair or graduate program director nominates faculty members for Graduate Faculty Standing and provides evidence of credentials appropriate for the discipline and a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vita. Once approved by the appropriate divisional dean(s), the Dean of the Graduate School reviews the nomination and, based on the above guidelines, assigns the level, term, and limitations of Graduate Faculty Standing.

Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures



Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer


Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History

 Edited September 2021

Reference ID

Graduate Handbook 5.4

Governance Authority

Not Applicable.