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Administrator Emeritus/Emerita Designation

Scope: Unclassified Administrative Staff are covered by this policy.


Administrator Emeritus/Emerita Designation


To be eligible for the designation of Administrator Emeritus/Emerita at ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University, an individual must:

  1. Retire from ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University with at least ten (10) years of continuous fulltime service in an unclassified administrative position; and
  2. Be recommended by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees. Recommendation for designation as Administrator Emeritus/Emerita will occur automatically unless there is a specific recommendation to the contrary or the administrator requests not to be afforded the designation.

Related Form(s)

Not applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officers

  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources
  • Assistant Provost for Academic Personnel

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Recent Revision History


Reference ID(s)

MUPIM 13.9

Reviewing Bodies

  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources
  • Assistant Provost for Academic Personnel
  • Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services