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Terms of Unclassified Administrative Staff Appointments

Scope: Unclassified Administrative Staff are covered by this policy.


Terms of Unclassified Administrative Staff Appointments


The terms of appointments to the unclassified administrative staff (UAS) are made in writing and include the appointment period.

Normally, members of the UAS are expected to give fulltime service to ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University for the contract period, performing duties as indicated by the job assignment and the individual’s supervisor. Except for holidays observed by the University and individually arranged vacation and leave days, administrative service continues throughout the year, whether or not classes are in session.

Although there are specific exceptions, it is the policy of ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú University to limit the term of fulltime at-will fiscal year employment generally to no more than five full fiscal years after which a member of the unclassified administrative staff (UAS) enjoys extended appointment status.

Extended appointment status confers a measure of job security on an individual that is not contemplated by Ohio’s at-will doctrine. Individuals who have achieved this status may not be terminated from employment without cause – to include lack of funds and/or lack of work, as well as performance-related issues.

It is expected that with respect to program reduction or elimination, members of the UAS will be given as much notice as possible if their employment is to be terminated or significantly altered in character. It is further expected that with respect to performance-related issues a member of the UAS will normally be apprised of any problem or deficiency in his or her work performance and will be given a reasonable period of time in which to demonstrate that the problem or deficiency has been overcome; termination will not normally occur without documented efforts to bring about improvement through counseling. Notice of termination will be accompanied by the opportunity for a hearing with the appropriate vice president or his or her designee.

This policy will be administered by the Department of Human Resources and Academic Personnel Services which will establish procedures for implementing this policy in consultation with the Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (UPAC). Such procedures are approved by the President.

UAS appointees are sometimes extended the courtesy of academic rank by departments and may sometimes be asked to teach a course; such arrangements do not affect the employment relationship with respect to their positions in the unclassified administrative service. Rank is a matter between the individual and the conferring department and carries with it no special rights or privileges that accrue to the unclassified administrative appointment.

Related Form(s)

Not applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officers

  • Interim Associate Vice President for HR
  • Director for Academic Personnel Services

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Recent Revision History


Reference ID(s)

  • MUPIM 13.3
  • OAC 3339-13-3

Reviewing Bodies
