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Internships and Practica

Scope: Graduate Students are covered by this policy.


Internships and Practica


As part of their graduate education, students may participate in experiential courses involving on-the-job or field-based education. Such courses are valuable components of certain graduate programs and may involve working for a business firm, research center, educational institution, or service agency where their employment counts for graduate credit. Students can receive graduate credit for internships and practica if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Students must have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, at least one other graduate course covering the body of knowledge they will be practicing or performing in the internship or practicum.
  2. Students must have a member of the graduate faculty assume primary supervisory responsibility for their internship or practicum. A qualified representative of the sponsoring organization may also act as their supervisor; however, the faculty supervisor still has the ultimate responsibility for evaluating students’ work as an intern or practicum student.

Students may receive remuneration and academic credit for their internship or practicum. Compensation and expected workload are usually determined by the employer and their academic department before students begin their internship or practicum.

Students may perform an internship or practicum that requires them to write a report about their work or research project. This report is presented to a committee of graduate faculty members for evaluation who will either approve or disapprove the report.

Related Form(s)

Not Applicable.

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officer


Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Revision History


Reference ID

Graduate Handbook 4.8

Reviewing Bodies
