Associate Professor
Center for Aquatic and Watershed Sciences, Geospatial Analysis Center, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, Geography
John Maingi
- B.S. Forestry, Moi University (1987)
- M.S. Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona (1992)
- Ph.D. Arid Lands Studies, University of Arizona (1998)
- Remote Sensing
- Ecology of Wooded Ecosystems
- Surface Hydrology
- GEO 211: Global Change
- GEO 271: Humans & Natural Resources
- GEO 441/541: Geographic Information Systems
- GEO 448/548: Techniques & Applications of Remote Sensing
- GEO 460/560: Advanced Remote Sensing
Selected Publications
- Yeboah, I., J. Maingi, G. Arku. 2020. World Trade Center, Accra': Production of Urban Space for the Continued Peripheral Linkage of Ghana Under Globalization. African Geographical Review.
- Henry, M., J. Maingi, J. McCarty. 2019. in Remote Sensing.
- Medley, K., K. Maingi, J. Maingi, R. Abbitt. 2018. Short-term dynamics in livelihood conditions and woody plant extraction as an environmental entitlement at Mt. Kasigau, Kenya in GeoJournal.
- Medley, K., J. Maingi, K. Maingi, M. Henkin. 2017. Embedded histories and biogeographic interpretations of forest diversity at Mt. Kasigau, Kenya. African Geographical Review.
- Medley, K., J. Maingi, C. Mutiti. 2016. Conservation of woody plant diversity in Kenya. Biodiversity and Conversation of Woody Plants.
- Henkin, M., K. Medley, and J. Maingi. 2015. Biophysical analysis of afromontane forest community types at Mount Kasigau, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology.
- Yeboah, I.E., S. Codjoe, and J.K. Maingi. 2013. Emerging urban system demographic trends informing Ghana’s National Urban Policy and Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa Today 60(1): 98-124.
- Yeboah, I.E., S. Codjoe, and J.K. Maingi. 2013. Producing an urban system for the spatial development of Ghana: lessons for sub-Saharan Africa. African Geographic Review 32(2):140-156.
- Maingi, J.K., J.M. Mukeka, D.M. Kyale, and R.M. Muasya. 2012. Spatiotemporal patterns of elephant poaching in southeastern Kenya. Wildlife Research 39(3):234-249.
- Kyale, D.M., S. Ngene, and J.K. Maingi. 2011. Biophysical and human factors determine the distribution of poached elephants in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya. Pachyderm 49:48-60.
- Maingi, J.K. & M.C. Henry, 2007. “Factors influencing wildfire occurrence and distribution in eastern Kentucky, USA” inInternational Journal of Wildland Fire 16(1):23-33.
- Maingi, J.K., 2006. “Growth rings in tree species from the Tana River floodplain, Kenya” in Journal of East African Natural History 95(2):231-261.
- Maingi, J.K. & S.E. Marsh, 2006. “Composition, structure, and regeneration patterns in a gallery forest along the Tana River near Bura, Kenya” in Forest Ecology and Management, 236(1-2):211-228.
- Maingi, J.K., 2005. “Mapping fire scars in a mixed-oak forest in eastern Kentucky, USA, using Landsat ETM+ data” inGeocarto International 20(3):51-63.
- Maingi, J.K., & W.M. Luhn, 2005. “Mapping insect-induced pine mortality in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky using Landsat TM and ETM+ data” in GIScience & Remote Sensing 42(3):224-250.
- S.M. Skirvin, W.G. Kepner, S.E. Marsh, S.E. Drake, J.K. Maingi, C.M. Edmonds, C.J. Watts & D.R.Williams. 2004. “Assessing the accuracy of satellite-derived land-cover classification using historical aerial photography, digital orthophoto quadrangles, and airborne video data.” In R. Lunetta and J.G. Lyon (Editors), Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 115- 131.
- Maingi, J.K. & S.E. Marsh, 2002. “Quantifying hydrologic impacts following dam construction along the Tana River, Kenya.” Journal of Arid Environments 50(1):53-79.
- Maingi, J.K., M.C. Henry & W.M. Luhn, 2001. “Assessing forest damage by the southern pine beetle in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky.” Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences, 24:27-34.
- Maingi, J.K. & S.E. Marsh, 2001. “Assessment of environmental impacts of river basin development on the riverine forests of eastern Kenya using multi-temporal satellite data.” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22(14):2701-2729.
- Kepner, W.G., C.J. Watts, C.M. Edmonds, J.K. Maingi, S.E. Marsh & G. Luna, 2000. “A landscape approach for detecting and evaluating change in a semi-arid environment. ” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64:179-195.