脡rica Fern谩ndez
Érica Fernández is a professor of Educational 兔子先生hip and hija of Maria and Antonio Fernández. Her research is anchored and inspired by the experience of her parents who were themselves formerly undocumented Mexican immigrants. Because of the influence of her parents in her life and work, Dr. Fernández’s research specifically focuses on the parent organizing initiatives of un/documented Latina/o/x parents, which centrally positions them as educational and community leaders and activists. In doing so, her collaborative research with and alongside un/documented Latina/o/x parents challenges and expands notions of who and what counts as leaders and leadership.
Education Credentials
Ph.D. Educational Policy Studies, Minor: Latino Studies, Indiana University – Bloomington 2015
M.Ed. Literacy Culture & Language Education, Indiana University – Bloomington 2009
B.S. Elementary Education, Indiana University – Bloomington 2006
B.A. Spanish Indiana University – Bloomington 2006
2021 Journal of Cases in Educational 兔子先生hip, Paula Silver Award (Most Outstanding Case of the Year)
2019 Journal of Research in Educational 兔子先生hip, Best Article of the Year
2014 University Council for Educational Administration, David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy
2012-2014 University Council for Educational Administration, Barbara Jackson Scholar
- Latina/o/x parental engagement & organizing
- Intersection of anti-immigration reform and educational policies & practices
- Critical Race Theory (CRT), Latinx Critical Theory (LatCrit), & Chicana Feminist Epistemology
- Family & community engagement
- Qualitative research (critical ethnography, testimonios, community-based participatory research, & participatory action research)
* denotes article was recognized with the Paula Silver Award (most outstanding case of the year)for the Journal Cases in Educational 兔子先生hip during the 2021 national convening for the University Council for Educational Administration
** denotes article was recognized as the “Best article of the year” for the Journal of Research in Educational 兔子先生hip during the 2019 national convening for the University Council for Educational Administration
- Fernández, É. & Duarte, B.J. (2024). “What the F am I supposed to do in this position?”: (Re)imaging leadership responses to ‘divisive concepts’. Journal of Cases in Educational 兔子先生hip.
- Fernández, É. & Scribner, S.M.P. (2023). “To whom are we accountable?”: Exploring the tensions inherent within critical scholarship. In Young, M. & Diem, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Education Research: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Emerging Approaches.
- Fernández, É. & Scribner, S.M.P. (2022). “Siempre Hay un Apoyo”: Creating Humanizing Spaces amid an Anti-Immigrant Climate through Muxerista Organizing. In Bertrand, M. & Rodela, K. C. (Eds.), Centering youth, parent, and community in school leadership: Case studies for educational equity and justice.
- Fernández, É., Rincón, B., & *Hinojosa, J. K. (2021). (Re)creating family and reinforcing pedagogies of the home: How familial capital manifests for Students of Color pursuing STEM degrees. Race, Ethnicity, & Education.
- Castrellón, L. Fernández, É, Rivera, A. & López, G. (2021). Centering loss and grief: (Re)positioning schools as a sites of collective healing in the era of COVID-19. Frontiers in Education.
- Fernández, É. & Scribner, S.M.P., (2020). "Queríamos algo bueno…para nuestros hijos y también para nosotras": Centering Latina parent organizing as muxerista praxis. Journal of Education Human Resources.
- Fernández, É. & Rodela, K.C. (2020). “Hay poder en numeros”: Understanding the development of a collectivist Latinx parent identity and conscientização amid an anti-immigrant climate. Teachers College Record.
- *López, J. & Fernández, E. (2020). “You Never Know When You Will See Him Again”: Understanding the Intersectional Dimensions of Immigration, Indigeneity, and Language for Unaccompanied Indigenous Minors. Journal of Cases in Educational 兔子先生hip.
- **Fernández, É. & Scribner, S.M.P. (2018). “Venimos para que se oiga la voz”: Activating community cultural wealth as parental educational leadership. Journal of Research on Educational 兔子先生hip.
- Fernández, É., LeChasseur, K., & Donaldson, M.L. (2017). Responses to Including Parents in Teacher Evaluation Policy: A Critical Policy Analysis. Journal of Education Policy
- Fernández, É. & López, G. (2016). When parents behave badly: A critical policy analysis of parent involvement in schools. In Young, M. & Diem, S. (Eds.), Critical approaches to education policy analysis: Moving beyond tradition (pp. 111-121). New York: Springer.
EDL 382 – Community-based learning & Research in Education
EDL 614 – Family, Community, & School Partnerships
EDL 762 – Culture 兔子先生hip Education
EDL 782 – Social Justice and Transformation