Advisor Resources
Thank you for choosing to become an advisor for a student organization here at 兔子先生 University Regionals! This form is a how-to for new advisors and reference material for experienced advisors.
Your Duties as an Advisor
Advisors should be faculty, staff or graduate students, this being considered as a part of their service to the University. Exceptions may be granted by the Office of Student Activities or, in the case of sports clubs, by the Office of Recreational Sports and Athletics. Advisors are encouraged to be actively involved in the affairs of the organization. They are minimally expected to: periodically attend meetings of the organization; provide guidance to the officers and members in the organization’s plans, programs, and activities; be aware of the organization’s requests for University space, budget, and other such request forms as necessary; and serve as a resource to the organization for information about policies of the University. It is expected that officers and members will fully utilize the services of their advisor. Guidance for advisors and organizations is available from the ROSA office.
- Examples:
- Meet with student officers at least once a month
- Attend periodic meetings and activities
- Review and approve registration, budgets, travel plans, constitutions and other forms
- Help ensure the activities of the organization reflects favorably on the university
- Provide historical background and serve as a point of reference
- Support participation for its contribution to educational and personal development
- Assist members in balancing their extra-curricular activities
- Intervene in high-risk situations and challenge student decision-making when necessary
- Participate in the mandatory reporting of crimes for statistical and timely warning requirements of the Jeanne Clery Campus Security Act
- Complete educational programs on hazing awareness, prevention and intervention provided through EduRisk
- Advise with regards to fundraising, sponsorship and spending
- Assist in transitioning new officers and developing leadership skills of all members
- Provide input into the recruitment, selection, and evaluation of members and officers
- Be aware that you may be consulted about personal concerns and are under no obligation in these instances
Things Advisors Should Avoid
- Doing all of the event planning
- Running the events
- Complete the organizations Regional Student Organization Funding forms
- Running the organization, you are there to help guide and assist not to be the leader
Regional Student Organization Funding
- This program will allow your student organization to earn funds from the Funding Allocation Committee (FAC), a committee of the Regional Student Government, to use within policy guidelines.
- You will be able to help the organization plan out how to be active on campus and promote engagement
- You can familiarize yourself with Regional Student Organization Funding guidelines
Funding Allocation Committee (FAC)
- FAC as it is known is a once a semester meeting with the Regional Student Government and each individual student organization at the Regionals to present their next semester plans and award funding to them based on their plans and their funding level.
- These meetings are generally no longer than 30 minutes and your organization should bring the following information:
- What events they held during the semester
- How many people attended and how they marked attendance and what that attendance was
- How much money they currently have in their organization account
- If there was money left over explain
- How they plan on using the money that they had left
- What their plans for next semester are
- Itemized list of resources for the event
- Prices on each itemized item
- Date range for the event
- How they plan on marketing the event
- If they have a negative balance
- Why
- How they are working to rectify the situation
- What events they held during the semester
The Basics of the HUB
- Organizations can post events
- Organizations can add and remove members
- Where to find the trainings
- Know what trainings an organization must take
- President - President Training
- Treasurer - Treasurer Training and the Workday Training
- All Officers - Understand the deposit policy located at the bottom of the HUB
- Know what trainings an organization must take
Workday for Org. Finance
- As an Advisor, understand how the system works to ensure you can assist in any questions that an organization may have when trying to make purchases with student organization funds.
- You can self enroll in our Student Org Finance Training-Regionals, located in the Campus Links on the