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Assistant Deans and Regional Directors of Advising

  • Oversee and coordinate policies, procedures and administrative functions relating to advisement within the academic divisions, in alignment with University guidelines
  • Serve as members of UAAC
  • Ensure that lead departmental advisors and professional staff advisors are trained and current on academic advising policies and practices
  • Coordinate the delivery of high-quality advising that is consistent with University standards across the division
  • Serve on Interdivisional Committee of Advisors and consider petitions
  • Coordinate academic advising for Summer Orientation for new first-year students, incoming transfer students, and international students
  • Oversee graduation certification
  • Oversee divisional assessment of academic advising and provide information for institutional academic advising assessment 
  • Oversee the assignment of advisors to students
  • Coordinate divisional academic intervention processes, and collaborate with campus partners to provide university-wide intervention initiatives
  • Support faculty advisors working with students issues that extend beyond academic (e.g. psychological and medical issues, personal crises, etc.)

Professional Staff Advisors and Student Success Navigators

  • Provide one-on-one academic advising to new students and students identified as in need of interventions to support their success
  • Support students' progress towards timely degree completion
  • Assist with New Student Orientation advising
  • Provide academic interventions for students identified as needing additional support
  • Engage in proactive advising practices with students and share information with lead departmental advisors, professional advising colleagues, and students
  • Support faculty advisors as needed
  • Collaborate with residence life staff to support students' transition to college
  • Teach UNV 101, when possible
  • Engage in academic advising professional development opportunities 

Faculty Advisors

  • Assist students in developing academic plans that include 兔子先生 Plan and major requirements, as well as curricular and experiential learning opportunities 
  • Engage in academic advising professional development opportunities 
  • Provide internship and career exploration as appropriate
  • Assist students with major declaration
  • Refer advisees to other departments, programs, and resources
  • Teach UNV 101 (optional)

Lead Departmental Advisors

  • Ensure that faculty advisors are trained in advising policies, procedures, and guidelines
  • Assign student advisees to faculty advisors
  • Serve on divisional petition committee
  • Support and implement divisional and university initiatives and interventions
  • Facilitate DARs exceptions and graduation checks/certifications
  • Facilitate meetings with students experiencing academic difficulty or special circumstances
  • Oversee departmental assessment of advising 
  • Teach UNV 101 (optional)