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  • This meeting should idealy occur within two weeks of the Observation Activity.
  • Approximately 48 hours before the meeting, the reviewer sends a draft letter that includes his/her conclusions, recommendations, and evaluation to the reviewee. The two will discuss the letter, and, based on the discussion, the reviewer may choose to revise the letter.
  • The products from this meeting should be sent within two weeks of the meetings.  Recipients include the instructor, and, if applicable, relevant administrators.


  • Sharing perspectives on what took place during the review process.
    • Start with instructor’s views on the class
      • Have the person describe what went well and what could be improved
    • Evaluator shares
      • Positive teaching practices observed
      • Areas of improvement
      • Any clarifications of points of fact (about the specifics of what occurred)
  • Discussing any points brought up in the pre-observation meeting.
  • Discussing steps for future action.

Recommended Guidelines for the Evaluation Letter

These guidelines are general and can be adapted based on departmental and divisional suggestions:

  • Overview paragraph of review process
  • Types of artifacts reviewed (syllabus, classroom observation, etc.)
  • 3 W + H
    • Who did the evaluation?
    • What class was evaluated (instructor, course name, course description, time of class)?
    • When was the class session (e.g., Monday at 8am), how often was it visited, and in what format (online vs. face-to-face)?
    • How was the course evaluated (department and divisional suggestions)?
  • Paragraph on the strengths discovered in the review process
  • Paragraph on the opportunities discovered in the review process
  • Recommendations on books, seminars, and other university resources to facilitate growth
  • Paragraph summarizing the overall evaluation