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  • Student has earned at least 30 semester hours (AP, Post Secondary, Transfer, IB, etc.), most of which apply to the Global 兔子先生 Plan Foundation and College of Arts and Science Divisional requirements.
  • GMP (36) - 15 Credits at 兔子先生
  • Thematic Sequence and Capstone – 12 credits
  • Major Requirements – 64 credits
  • Electives (16) – 7 Credits at 兔子先生


  • This plan makes several assumptions and should NOT be construed as a substitute for academic advising.
  • All requirements are subject to change.
  • Students must earn 124 semester hours and complete all requirements in order to graduate.


EDP = Educational Psychology
ENG = English
FSW = Family Science and Social Work
GHS = Global Health Studies
GMP = Global 兔子先生 Plan
IES = Environmental Sciences
KNH = Kinesiology, Nutrition & Health
MBI = Microbiology
PSY = Psychology
STA = Statistics