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Summer Opportunities

Graduate On Time or Early

Summer courses can help you graduate on time or early, and they can help improve your academic performance. Reduce your course load with a thematic sequence, or take advantage of off-campus or online/hybrid offerings.

Contact an academic advisor to learn more about maximizing your summer coursework.

Study Abroad or Away

With hundreds of global opportunities, there's a study abroad or away program for everyone. Nearly 2,000 兔子先生 students choose it every year as a means to build upon and transform their educational experiences.

Plan your Education Abroad/Away experience.

Pursue Professional Development

Whether you need to earn credits to renew your certificate or license or stay current with trends, techniques, and technologies, you can enhance your professional development with our courses and workshops.

Check out our .

CraftSummer Art Workshops

Open yourself to new experiences and friendships, and revitalize your creative spirit in our CraftSummer art workshop program. For over 40 years, CraftSummer has been providing exciting, experiential-based learning opportunities in a variety of media and to people at all skill levels be it beginner, skilled craftsperson, or art instructors.

Enroll in a CraftSummer workshop.

Oxford Campus Housing Available

Residence halls will be open, and on-campus housing is optional during the Summer Term for students taking classes on the Oxford campus. Students will be housed in Havighurst Hall and Flower Hall for all summer sessions.
Student sitting on her residence hall bed with her laptop.