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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus (CCP) is an opportunity for Ohio high school students to simultaneously earn both college and high school credit prior to high school graduation.

Benefits of CCP

  • Qualified students may earn college credit at no cost to students or families in courses taught by 兔子先生 University faculty.
  • All CCP students are assigned an advisor to assist them with scheduling and topics related to student success.
  • Students may select courses in the Ohio Transfer Module (OTM) or that have been identified as Transfer Assurance Guides (TAG) which guarantees these credits transfer to other public Ohio colleges and universities.

For information and frequently asked questions on the CCP program, please visit . You can also find informational webinars on the .  

Check out a list of available CCP courses online.

Two options for enrollment for College Credit Plus (CCP)

Option A

For Option A, which is less common, public, community, or non-public high school students choose, upon enrollment, college credit or both high school and college credit. In this case, the cost of the college tuition is funded entirely by the student's family.

Option B

For Option B, which is more common, students receive both high school and college credit. For public high school and community school students, there is no transfer of tuition between student and college. The high school's state foundation will pay the college directly. If the student is enrolled in a non-public high school or is home-schooled, the cost may be subsidized by funds set aside by the Ohio General Assembly in each biennium and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to receive this funding, the student must provide the state with an application for funding form and a copy of a letter of acceptance from the university. Public, community, or non-public high school, or home-schooled, students electing this option may not be required to pay for tuition or books. Non-public and home-schooled students will be notified by the state if their request for funding is approved. Please visit the for more information on non-public and home school funding.


The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the College Credit Plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon College Credit Plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.

Regional College Credit Plus

兔子先生's regional campuses provide a robust offering of CCP courses. Please visit their CCP page for more information.

Application Information

Application Deadlines

Deadlines Semester/Term
March 25 Home school and private school students interested in applying for funding through the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
April 1 Summer Term
June 1 Fall and Spring Semesters
Dec. 1 Spring Semester only

Admission Requirements

  • Official High School Transcripts or Middle School Grade Report(s): Sent directly from the school counselor during the online application.
  • Mature Content Permission Form and Questionnaire: Form is submitted with the application, questionnaire will be signed during the online orientation.

Eligibility Requirements

A student is eligible for the program if the student meets any of the following criteria:

  • Cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • Obtains test scores as follows:
    ACT English 18 Reading 22
    Accuplacer Writing 5 Reading 250

The Admission Process

  • Submit your application.
  • Your high school counselor will receive an email to upload your transcript to your application portal.
  • Admission will review your application within a few business days and you will receive next steps via email.

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General Questions from Faculty

Oxford Campus

Chelsia Potts
Student Success Navigator
Roudebush Hall