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General Information about SIELE Testing

SIELE stands for Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española.

SIELE is the most comprehensive, versatile and prestigious Spanish online assessment and certification for language proficiency. SIELE certifies Spanish language proficiency through four tests:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening comprehension
  • Written expression and interaction
  • Oral expression and interaction

The exam follows the levels established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

SIELE Banner and Logo

SEILE Highlights

SIELE is the first internationally recognized digital assessment that certifies Spanish proficiency from a Pan-Hispanic perspective, reinforcing its validity at a global level and embracing the richness of the Spanish language as alive and diverse as it is.

The reliability of the SIELE online exams is guaranteed by the experience of four of the most prestigious cultural and academic institutions: Instituto Cervantes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Universidad de Salamanca and Universidad de Buenos Aires.

SIELE has more than 75 associated universities located in 20 Iberic- American countries. These institutions contribute with research on Spanish language teaching, supporting content quality and providing innovative didactic material.

Exam management, administration and scoring is carried out technologically, providing simple administration, comfort and fast processes throughout all certification stages.

At siele.org, candidates choose their exam modality, location and date. Less than three weeks after the exam completion, candidates obtain their certificate or report card which can be accessed online.

SIELE Exam Structures

SIELE is an online and multi-level exam allowing candidates to obtain a certificate. This document presents a score from 0 to 1000, the combination of the four tests’ results, corresponding to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

  • 5 tasks
  • Incudes 38 questions.
  • Questions formulated from texts that must be answered by selecting the correct options.
  • Duration: 60 minutes.
  • Automatic scoring.
  • Maximum score: 250 points.
  • 6 tasks
  • Includes 38 questions.
  • Questions formulated from a speech to be answered by selecting the correct options.
  • Duration: 55 minutes.
  • Automatic scoring.
  • Maximum score: 250 points.
  • 2 tasks.
  • Questions formulated from texts and answered with a written response.
  • Duration: 50 minutes.
  • Individual scoring carried out by SIELE linguistic experts.
  • Maximum score: 250 points.
  • 5 tasks.
  • Questions formulated from a text or a speech and answered orally through a recording system.
  • Duration: 15 minutes.
  • Individual scoring carried out by SIELE linguistic experts.
  • Maximum score: 250 points.

Testing Combinations


The most comprehensive online exam for certifying your Spanish proficiency.

  • Tests: Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension, Written expression and interaction, Oral expression and interaction
  • Duration: 180 minutes
  • Exam scoring: 1000 points (250 + 250 + 250 + 250)
  • Automatic scoring + SIELE Specialist


Certifies Spanish comprehension proficiency.

  • Tests: Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension
  • Duration: 115 minutes
  • Exam scoring: 500 points (250 + 250)
  • Automatic scoring


Certifies Spanish reading and writing proficiency.

  • Tests: Reading comprehension, Written expression and interaction
  • Duration: 110 minutes.
  • Exam scoring: 500 points (250 + 250)
  • Automatic scoring + SIELE Specialist


Certifies Spanish oral comprehension and expression proficiency.

  • Tests: Listening comprehension, Oral expression and interaction
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • Exam scoring: 500 points (250 + 250)
  • Automatic scoring + SIELE Specialist


Certifies Spanish oral expression proficiency.

  • Test: Oral expression and interaction
  • Duration: 15 minutes.
  • Exam scoring: 250 points
  • SIELE Specialist


Certifies Spanish writing and oral expression proficiency.

  • Tests: Written expression and interaction,  Oral expression and interaction
  • Duration: 70 minutes.
  • Exam scoring: 500 points (250 + 250)
  • SIELE Specialist


How Do I Get Started?

Interactive Language Resource Center will be administering the SIELE Global exam by advance appointment only. Please send a message to ilrc@miamioh.edu requesting which type of exam you would like to take and what days and times you would be available to take the exam.

The Director will then go in to the SIELE examination system and schedule a custom session for you to register with, and will email you back when the custom session is ready.

You can then register for the SIELE exam by going to , create your account, schedule your test using the custom session created, and then pay for the test.

Please allow at least seven (7) days ahead of your preferred day and time to test. The SIELE system will lock sessions 48 hours before the scheduled test to prevent last minute registerants. 

Contact the ILRC

Irvin Hall South Entrance