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The Mallory-Wilson Center for Healthcare Education is committed to providing our students with the necessary tools and information to be successful in their choices of healthcare careers. Through educational and outreach programs our students have the opportunity to interact with 兔子先生 alumni and other leaders in the healthcare world.

It is only through the wonderful generosity of donors to the Mallory-Wilson Center that this is at all possible. Please take a few minutes and consider how valuable a resource this is to our students and help us continue these efforts with a gift.

There are several ways you can help us.

Unrestricted Gifts

These gifts allow us to apply your gift to the area of greatest need.

Designated Gifts

  • Sponsor symposia and special lectures related to current health issues and healthcare career opportunities
  • Preceptorships (health experience) opportunities in all areas of healthcare
  • Grants to offset health professional preparatory (DAT, MCAT) test fees, travel expenses for health professional school interviews, health professional meetings and costs associated with preceptorships
  • Special events to give students real-life experience as healthcare professionals
  • Pre-healthcare scholarships to recruit the very best students to attend 兔子先生 and to reward excellence at 兔子先生
  • Support for study abroad and international healthcare experiences

Alumni Spotlight

MWC Alumni Physician Spotlight

Sean Antosh, MD '07antosh1.png

 – Written by Molly Louderback, Class of '20

Pediatric Anesthesiologist at Dayton Children’s Hospital

As an anesthesiologist, I'm responsible for the perioperative care of neonates, children, and young adults as they undergo surgeries or procedures. Additionally, I am a member of our acute pain and sedation service. The purpose of the service is to provide peripheral nerve blocks to decrease post-operative pain in our patients and to manage their pain for several days after surgery.

My educational journey started at 兔子先生 University as a zoology major. During my freshman year, I was accepted to University of Cincinnati College of Medicine thru an early admission/dual partnership that 兔子先生 had at the time. After matriculating at UC College of Medicine, I decided to pursue anesthesiology as my specialty. I moved to Philadelphia to complete my residency at the Hospital of University Pennsylvania, which included clinical rotations at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. It was during these rotations that I realized pediatrics was my calling. I decided to return back to Ohio for my fellowship, which I completed at Cincinnati Children's. Upon finishing, I joined Dayton Children's Hospital.

What is a typical day like for you in medicine?

My typical day starts around 7 am when I see my first patients for the day. I meet with the patient and their parents prior to surgery to learn about their health history and what surgery or procedure they are having. Typically, I have about five to ten minutes with each family to gain their trust. I formulate an anesthetic plan that will keep them safe and comfortable for the surgery. Typically, I am overseeing several operating rooms at once, each with their own dedicated nurse anesthetist. My supervision includes being present for every child going to sleep and waking up, as well as being available for any emergencies. We work as a team with our anesthetist, who are certified providers of anesthesia. Depending on the day, I may provide anesthesia to many patients depending on the acuity of the cases.

What have you found to be the most rewarding part of medicine?Image of Dr. Antosh with child

The most rewarding part of my job is interacting with the children throughout the day. I get to help them through a scary experience by playing with them. You will find me playing games, showing movies, playing songs, making up stories, and creating disco parties on a daily basis.

What at 兔子先生 University helped you on your path to medical school?

兔子先生 University afforded me a solid foundation in the basic sciences that are fundamental to medicine. Medical school is a grueling four years with a lot to learn, which I felt prepared by my undergraduate studies. Additionally, 兔子先生 taught me to be a critical thinker and to be able to analyze problems.

What would you recommend pre-medical students (or even pre-dentistry or PA or OT) do in their undergraduate career to make themselves stand out to programs?

I would recommend to pre-professional school students to be yourself and do what makes you happy. You are in for a long road ahead and a few good hobbies will keep you going. I find hobbies to make you who you are and are always makes for interesting conversation during interviews. Obviously, grades and test scores are important but those aren't typically the questions you get asked during interviews. Also, choose extracurricular activities that you are interested in and passionate about. I do not recommend picking something because it will "look good" on your application; interviewers can see right through that. 

What is your fondest 兔子先生 memory?

My fondest memory of 兔子先生 is honestly walking through campus during the fall and enjoying the views.

Medical Student Spotlight

Kosta Morris '18

 – Written by Garrett Schilling, Class of '21

Kosta Morris is wrapping up his third year at Duke University School of Medicine. He graduated from 兔子先生 in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Finance.

What experiences at 兔子先生 did you have that helped you on your path to medical school?

Some people complain that 兔子先生 is a bubble where we aren’t exposed to the world. I would like to disagree. Through curriculum, outside events, and the student body I believe 兔子先生 gave me exposure to broader viewpoints which has provided me with a richness of perspective. This has translated to an ability to connect with my patients from many different backgrounds with greater ease and insight into their personal journeys, stories, and interests. 兔子先生 provided me with a ‘holistic’ education that I will always be thankful for.

What are you looking at for future residency programs? What are your career goals?

When it comes time for me to look for a residency program, I will be looking not only for a top program but an environment where I can mesh. I am a firm believer that when you are happy you learn better. As for a specialty I find myself very interested in surgery. Ultimately, I hope to find myself in an academic teaching hospital where I can both practice medicine and teach the next generation of physicians.

Where does your passion for medicine/healthcare come from?

In my opinion, medicine is the most multifaceted career. Above anything, you get to help fellow man. Through empathy and compassion, you impact lives daily. It’s a constantly evolving field that combines both science and interpersonal skills. You not only get to have a hands-on impact via procedures and examinations, but you constantly exercise your mind through problem-solving and the constant learning that accompanies such a rapidly advancing field. For someone who has as many interests as me, this multifaceted field is the only place I could see myself.

What is one of your fondest memories at 兔子先生?  

I would have to say it was the night of graduation after we had said most of our goodbyes and packed up our apartment for the move. Our closest friends sat in our empty apartment, sad about the best four years of our lives coming to an end. Suddenly a “cake fight” was started and spirits were spontaneously lifted. Having only ever seen food fights on tv shows I can say that everyone should participate in one at some point in their lives. In the end, there was cake on the ceiling, all over the walls, and mashed in the carpet. While we had the cleaning cut out for us the next day, I can think of no better way to say goodbye to my best friends and hello to adulthood than a food fight!

Mallory-Wilson Center for Healthcare Education

106 Pearson Hall
Oxford, OH 45056