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Health • Physical Activity • Disability • Chronic Illness

The association of diabetes complications with physical activity in a representative sample of older adults in the United States

Most adults with diabetes do not engage in the level of physical activity recommended for optimal disease management.

Health • Physical Activity • Disability • Chronic Illness

The association of diabetes complications with physical activity in a representative sample of older adults in the United States

Most adults with diabetes do not engage in the level of physical activity recommended for optimal disease management. Diabetes complications are not generally considered a clinical contraindication to exercise. No prior national studies have examined the associations of these complications with physical activity. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine the association between diabetes complications and the odds of meeting physical activity guidelines…A borderline significant association was observed for stroke. Adults with diabetes with complications of the eyes, kidneys, or nerves and those with heart disease are less likely to meet physical activity guidelines compared to those without these complications. These individuals may require additional support from health professionals to achieve recommended amounts of physical activity. More studies are needed to clarify the barriers and benefits to engaging in physical activity in the presence of diabetes complications.

Chronic Illness, 9(4), 251-257.  doi: 10.1177/1742395313475461