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Beveled M

The influence of hearing impairment on driving avoidance among a large cohort of older drivers

As people age, some of the commonly experienced psychomotor, visual, and cognitive declines can interfere with the ability to safely drive, often leading to situational avoidance of challenging dri...

Carolyn DiGuiseppi • Lidia P. Kostyniuk • Linda V. Nyquist • David Joseph LeBlanc • Nicole Zanier • Jacqui Smith • Renée M. St Louis • Jonathon M. Vivoda • David W. Eby • Scott E. Bogard • Lisa J. Molnar • Jennifer S. Zakrajsek • David Strogatz • Raymond Yung

Beveled M

Situating stress: Lessons from lay discourses on diabetes

(Originally published as Schoenberg, N. E., Drew, E. M., Stoller, E. P., and Kart, C.S. 'Situating Stress: Lessons form Lay Discourse on Diabetes,' Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 19...

Eleanor Palo Stoller • Nancy E. Schoenberg • Elaine M. Drew • Cary Kart

Beveled M

Preventing Osteoporosis

This brochure provides a comprehensive set of information about preventing osteoporosis and its complications.

Mihaela Popa

Scripps Gerontology Center

396 Upham Hall
100 Bishop Circle
Oxford, OH 45056