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How To Enroll

To enroll in:

  • the ETBD major or minor,
  • the Games + Simulation major or minor, or
  • the Digital Marketing minor

requires an application separate from the application to 兔子先生 University, see below for details.

There is one exception: a high school student admitted to 兔子先生 University may declare the ETBD major without a separate application.  (A minor can be declared only after the start of classes.)

Information and links to the ETBD. Games and Digital Marketing applications can be found below.

For current 兔子先生 University students, application decisions will be communicated within 30 days.

For high school students admitted to 兔子先生, application decisions will be communicated 2 weeks prior to the 兔子先生 admission confirmation dates.

ETBD Major and Minor

Incoming Students

A high school student admitted to 兔子先生 University does not need to complete a separate application for ETBD. However, a student must declare the ETBD major formally to add classes or meet with an ETBD advisor.  Students transferring to 兔子先生 from other collegiate programs must complete the separate ETBD application.

A new student can declare a minor only after the start of classes.

Current 兔子先生 Students

A current 兔子先生 student may apply to the ETBD major or minor if they hold a GPA of 3.0 or better.  (There is no GPA requirement for a student in their first semester, since no GPA has been established.)

To apply to the ETBD major

  1. Create a website. It should convey
    • Who you are
    • Why you want to enroll
    • What interests you most about Digital and Emerging Technology

    The scope and technical aspects of the website do not matter; it just needs to speak to these three issues.  There are many ways to accomplish this.  The site can be a single page.  However, material must not be plagiarized from elsewhere.

    Submit the URL in the second part of this application, below.  The admissions committee cannot consider an application unless without access to your website via the URL.

  2. Complete the application form through the link below.

To apply to the ETBD minor.

Complete the application form through the link below.  Application to the minor does not require creation of a website.

Games and Simulation Major and Minor

Space in the program is limited, so admission is competitive.  Acceptance is based on a number of criteria beyond GPA. 

Incoming Students

  • A student applying to the Games + Simulation major or minor must submit a video through the form below (click the link below).
  • A student applying to 兔子先生 University intending to major in Games + Simulation should designate Games + Simulation as the major in their University application materials.  A minor is declared only after a student is admitted to the University and enrolls for classes.

Submit your video for

Current Students

  • A student applying to the Games + Simulation major or minor must submit a video through the form below (click the link below).
  • A student applying to 兔子先生 University intending to major in Games + Simulation should designate Games + Simulation as the major in their University application materials.  A minor is declared only after a student is admitted to the University and enrolls for classes.
  • A current 兔子先生 student may apply to the major or minor in Games + Simulation if they hold a GPA of 3.0 or better.  (There is no GPA requirement for a student in their first semester since no GPA has been established.);

Submit your video for

Digital Marketing Minor

A student applying to the Digital Marketing Minor must submit an application.  Admission to the minor is competitive.

Contact Us

Department of Emerging Technology in Business and Design
105 Tallawanda Rd
Oxford, OH 45056